Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Shear Genuis?

Tonight I was sucked into to another reality tv show, Shear Genius on Bravo. Bad. Awful. Heinous. Ghastly. That about sums is up. One of tonight's themes, hair art. Maybe I just don't possess the predisposition for hair love. I'm still trying to figure it all out. In any case, Bravo has stooped to a new low. I'm a huge fan of Project Runway (even though it seems like the winners never produce the promised fab designs after they win) and I eventually got into Top Design. Loved Jonathan Adler's cheesy "See ya later decorator!" farewell line. But this hair cutting show, wow! Since when is styling hair a competition? Does anyone really ever come out on top if the end result is a head full of feather boas? Or a treasure chest balanced on one's crown? I do remember when America's Next Top Model had a crazy hair episode:

The Top Models are not nearly as dreadful as the Shear Genius girl. Agreed?
Perhaps I prefer the Top Models because the focus was more on the modeling or maybe because I knew it would be different next time. Nevertheless, I'm praying the urge to feed my reality tv huger will not be victorious to the battle of the shears. It will be a huge waste of time and brain cells. Although one of the perks is a contest in which one lucky(?) viewer of the show, along with a friend of course, will win a $5000 hair cut from one of the stylists. But given the premiere episode theme, that could be dangerous. I suppose I'll just need to wait until June for the return of Heidi, Micheal and Nina to Auf "real" designers on Project Runway. Until then, I'm forced to boycott Bravo.

Awe hell, who am I kidding? I'll most likely succumb to the "shear" pressure and tune in next Wednesday confident that it has to be better this time. In the meantime, I'll look for a 12-step program for reality tv addicts.


Tera said...

Yeah, you know how I feel about reality shows...I can't stand them!!! And JUST started watching American Idol this year, that's proabably as good as it will get. I just think life is real enough for me...I don't need to see it on TV!

Yes people have to argument that they like to see that there is someone else out there that is just as crazy (if not crazier) than they are, I will just take their word for it!!!

Nina said...

Tera~I really am a reality tv junkie but I'm hating American Idol this year! It's been rather boring in my opinion.

Tera said...

I totally agree with you, people keep telling me I picked the wrong year to finally chime it! I really like Jordan though, and want to see how far she gets!!!

And Sanjaya is STILL there...

Nina said...

I think my favorite this year is beat-boxin' Blake!

Nance said...

"they" need to stop calling it reality television. it is decidedly not real. when on earth is anyone in daily life going to go and try to survive on an island, style hair like in this post, or do any of the things on any of these shows? good heavens!

having said all of that, i will remain a Reality Show Virgin, and save myself for Project Runway only. (i hope tim gunn appreciates my chastity vow.) MAKE IT WORK!

Tera said...

Nina~Oh isn't he adorable?!?! I like him too!!! :)

Nance~You make and EXCELLENT point!!!! And to that end, who in the hell is EVER going to kiss Flavor Flav in REAL life?????? He is quite repulsive!!!

Nina said...

Nance~ I am a Survivor fan too. HELP!!! And Tim Gunn...who can not love him? I'm sure he appreciates your devotion. Carry on!
And hey, where IS Andre?

Tera~life is bad when you want so desperatlely to be on tv you'll make out whith a man who hands out clocks in place of the rose.

mist1 said...

I was forced into watching reality tv. I was dating a man who said that we had no future unless I started watching more tv.

Now, I love/hate these shoes. They do nothing for me and yet, I cannot stop watching.

As for the guy...we didn't have a future together, no matter how much reality programming I watched.

Anonymous said...

Can you please tell me why when you said Heidi, Michael and Nina...I thought you were talking about your sister, your brother-in-law and you!!! LMAO!!!!

mist1- going back to the proofreading blog...I must assume that you meant shows...not shoes...because that would just be wrong! :)

Nina said...

Rey~ Heidi Klum, Michael Kors & Nina Garcia...I take it you don't watch Project Runway!

Mist!~you know how I feel about shoes so...oops!

Induced Homomorphism said...

I remember an episode of one of the talk shows about seven or eight years ago where they had women with crazy hair as guests, and two women were absolutely insane. One of them had planted a flower in her hair; she had actually shaped her hair into a pot and somehow fastened it together to hold dirt and a flower. The other girl made a bowl out of her hair and put candy in it, throwing the candy out to the audience. Just...nasty.

Anonymous said...

If you really want to be scared, come down to where I live and get your hair did. These girls should never have gotten their licenses. I would much rather have my hair styled like the above than what it's looked like two out of four hair cuts around here. One of the two good ones was borderline. have they come out with a mani-pedi reality show yet?