Friday, April 6, 2007

Just Visiting?

Last night I watched The Good Shepherd. If you haven't seen the a nut shell, it is about the birth of the CIA. It follows the life of Edward Wilson, one of the first ever CIA officials, and portrays his love of the US and all he's willing to do to protect his country.

Although I did not particularly like this movie (very long and disconnected), I did find parts to be interesting. One particular scene really got the wheels spinning in my head. Edward Wilson, the white CIA agent, is talking with Joseph Palmi, an Italian mobster. Wilson is trying to get Palmi to help the U.S. bring down Castro. The lines below may not be correct word for word but they are pretty close:

Joseph Palmi: ... we Italians, we got our families, and we got the church, the Irish they have the homeland, jews their tradition; even the niggers, they got their music. What about you people, Mr. Wilson, what do you have?
Edward Wilson: The United States of America, and the rest of you are just visiting.

Keep in mind that this movie is taking place over approximately 30 years beginning right around 1920. Knowing the latter, the dialogue seems appropriate. But why does it seem to resonate so loudly in my head?

I thought maybe I was being over-analytical and super sensitive to keep thinking about these lines all day until my husband repeated the lines and said, "You know, what they said in that movie, that was f#*ked up!" And all I could say was, "Yeah, it was." I'm not offended by the stereotypes. Wilson's response is what I can't get out of my head.

I'd like to believe that our country is not run solely by white males. I'd like to believe that the number of minorities involved in our government is a sign of the times. But if I allow myself a moment to step back and TRY to be objective, I have to wonder if I'm being naive. I can't help but to deliberate over some of the questions surrounding today's presidential hopefuls. Will America vote for a woman? Is America ready for a black president? Sadly, I think the answer to both of those questions is NO. If and when the time comes for America to decide between a woman or a black man to be her leader, will the true reason for failure be due to qualifications or likability? Or will it be because there is a conglomerate of people so powerful in this county, in this world, who are able to keep minorities one step behind at all times?

Is everyone else really "just visiting"?


Nance said...

Very provocative post, Nina. America is changing, slowly but surely, and Hillary and Barack Obama are a sign of the times. Nancy Pelosi is a sign of it as well. Hell, I hate to say it, but even C. Rice and A. Gonzales are part of that change. The fact that those individuals are where they are, given who they are, is immense. The step you ask about is more than a step; it is a leap. Not the quantum leap that it once was. And that alone is saying something. It's very early in the process, and the early numbers are encouraging. Just looking at where Obama and Hillary are right now truly encourages and thrills me. I can't stop grinning about either one.

Tera said...

I say that yes, we have come very far with respect to putting minority groups in influential positions, and positions of importance. I think however, that until the end of time, the predjudice, racism, and hasty generalizations will remain.

I guess I am quite taken back by the "just visiting" comment, because in essence, the white male was also once a "visitor" as well.

Anonymous said...

No, everyone is not just "visiting". None of us really came from anywhere else but the US. Our ancestors came from all over the world-so in short does that make us all minorities? If that's how you want to look at it. We are Americans because that is were we were born, it makes no difference where our great, great, great grandparents came from. We were born here and live here and that makes us all Americans.

Anonymous said...

And one more comment-if condoleza rice (if that's how you spell her name) where running for pres. I know several people who would run for the poles to vote for the first ever black female president. I think one would be elected if she were worth it. Hilary already did her 8 years in the white house-get a real woman to run and I will vote for her.

Nina said...

Nance~First of all thank you for was looking as though no one would touch this one.

I appreciate and am greatful for the progressive changes this country has gone through. I just hope that it continues and no one is denied the privilage of holding the most powerful position in the world because of race or gender. Because I do believe there are still far too many people who base their opinions on the little things that really shouldn't matter.

Tera~ Some things will never go away completely. Lets just hope they go away enough.

Michelle~ Although I see your point, I have to disagree...everyone is not a minority. What people often fail to realize is that "majority" does not always mean the greatest number but instead the greatest power.
Hillary is a real woman.

Nance said...

Nina--thanks for reminding Michelle that Hillary is, in fact, a real woman, and, might I add, one who is far more in touch with the issues of our gender than Ms. Rice is. C. Rice is too deeply ensconced in BushWorld to understand not only the problems of Real Society for women, but for people of color as well. She ought to be ashamed of herself. She has aligned herself with an administration that has lied to and failed to provide for the people it claimed it would represent. Hillary did not "do her time in the White House"; that would be her husband, the President. And he did more for women, minorities, and children than Bush #43 and the rest of his cronies have ever even thought of doing there. Condoleezza Rice hasn't done a single thing for any of those groups except look like two of them.

Tera said...

I agree (wholeheartedly) with you Nance! You are correct...C. Rice is what many have coined as the "token." She is there to look the part, but not really do anything of remarkable effect. And in my estimation, I would never consider her and icon for the African-American woman (not representing me anyways), because she IS working for an Administration who I feel does not have this country's best interest in mind and/at heart.

Now I also will not just vote for Hilary because she's a woman or Obama because he's African-American...I also am not one who votes based on power or charisma. What I DO vote for is how they stand on certain issues and if they might be able to even get us an inch closer to some of the things that will have a lasting POSITIVE effect on this country.

Anonymous said...

I have taken some time to respond because this a topic that I think of quite often and is very disheartening to me. Yes, in some people's eyes we are just visiting. I often wonder what makes America the expert on who should or should not be oppressed (Iraqi's vs. Sudanese)when in our country we have very cleverly mastered oppressing a number of minority groups (not limited to African American or Hispanic) in a manner that these groups do not even realize the oppression. I always think of how my mother did not want for me and my brothers to speak spanish or have an accent because that would hinder our professional success....was she right?? All of us are very successful, is our conformity a determining factor?

There are people in our world who are trying to make a better life for themselves and to escape to "America-the land of the Free". All of a sudden somebody in Washington has decided that we want to pick who is worthy of achieving what we consider freedom. We are supposed to be in Iraq "ensuring democracy" but Iraqi's who would like to study in "the land of the free" are not permitted, because they are not worthy. Mexican immigrants are being rounded up by the thousands (in many cases leaving children unaccounted for and without a parent) because some one has deemed their group unworthy of even "visiting" our country.

Yes, this country was founded on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.....only if you meet a certain mold. Unfortunately, as of recently, some minorities are not even allowed to be one step behind.

Nina said...

Nance & Tera~ Ms. Rice is completely out of touch with the American woman and her own race.
I think it's fair to say that she is a "token black" in Bush's army of puppets.
Far too many people forget what Clinton did for this country in terms of women and minorities and how hard Hillary worked as well when she was the First Lady.
Rey~The sad truth is that America is arrogant. But we are lucky to live here and have been born here. People who want to come to this country to persue their happiness need to take the proper steps and do it leagally. Especially today, it ensures our safty.

Anonymous said...
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Nina said...

Michelle~First of all, no one is a part of a minority group by choice. And no, I personally do not check the race box for two reasons. One being I don't think it's all that important (although sometimes it is) and the second reason being THERE IS NOT A BOX FOR MY RACE!!!! Now if that isn't discrimination what is? Furthermore, those things do
matter in lots of cases, like it or not. That is reality. It's important to find out who is doing what so that the people being "left out" can be helped. Believe it or not, Michelle, politics and Washington have EVERYTHING to do with who has opportunities in this country and countries all over the world. The people in Washington DO decide what opportunities are available to what people. If they did not, black people may still be slaves, women may not have the right to vote. Women still do not earn the same amount of money as men in the same position. Did you think of that and how the hell do you explain the differences? The harsh reality of the REAL WORLD is that everyone does not have the same opportunity to succeed regardless of how hard they bust their asses because there are far too many people in powerful positions who turn their cheeks because someone is black, hispanic or a woman. When was the last time you couldn't get waited on at a car dealership because you are white? When was the last time someone asked you what you do for a living (just out of curiosity of course) AFTER you make a high dollar purchase using cash because they thought you deal drugs? This is the reality of mine and my husband's life every single day and I don't know that you can truely relate to that. All of that aside, the things I speak of happen because in the REAL WORLD people make assumptions about you based on race. My husband makes an honest living and works very hard and should NEVER have to explain that to ANYONE. EVER. But he does, because in the REAL WORLD some people, important people, don't belive that we are all equal. Maybe you should take a look at your own family. There are a whole group of people who do not speak to my mother because she had a baby with a black man. By no means am I saying that they're not ignorant but again, that is the reality, Michelle. So yes, many things do depend on how hard you work and what your willing to achieve. But there are still opportunities denied to certain groups of people every single day.

Tera said...

Amen to that Nina!!! And if I may piggyback off of what you said, it is VERY hard to combat adversity and to "beat the odds" when you are a minortiy woman. And do you know what, some people have the inability to see or really relate to what certain groups of people go through. I have endured everything from..."Wow, your children talk 'proper'" to an interviewer gasping when he saw me because I don't "look like a black woman on paper (resume)."

I lived in a "small city" for much of my life, but regardless, I know what goes in the world, and am not going to subject myself to living in a bubble and pretending that people just don't "work hard enough" or aren't taking advantage of the many opportunities that are out there...because I know that many times they CAN'T. And in my estimation, the Bush Administration is making that harder and harder by the day, and the Middle Class is ceasing to exist...but we won't go there.

But do you know what, YES, I worked hard...8 years of college, I have an MBA, I have a good job (with a government agency), and I live in the suburbs. But in the back of my mind, I will always know that there is a chance that I might not get as far as my White Male colleague, no matter how hard I work.

Anonymous said...

I hate to tell you this but I live just north of the border - IAM the monority here. Ever been turned down for a job because you can't speak SPANISH in America??? Nope, I bet not. Ever work a mans job and see how you are treated?? Nope, you don't and I do and I HAVE busted my ass and I see what can be done. I am the highest paid dispatcher (and I work in the concrete industry-man's world big time) of any profession, police, schools, 911 you name it. I have earned it and I have earned the respect of these people and many times I have faced losing my position because I don't speak spanish-nor will I ever. Ever have your honor student be turned down for grants or scholorships to be given to someone who is an illegal alien? I'm not talking about someone here on a visa-I'm talking about slipping across the border. And Nina, I don't feel sorry that your race is not on an application-you are american and that's the only race that should be on the application. As far as what color you are, what color are you? You are my cousin and I have loved you from the day you were born and I don't care if you are green. Those relatives that don't speak to your mom-they aren't worth the air we breathe. They really aren't none of this matters. It really doesn't-read your Bible-HE will tell you when, where and what matters and nothing else. This is a life to be lead to recieve eternity and not of what color, race or anything else. That's why I say what I say. You don't have to explain yourself to ANYONE. It's none of their damn business and I would tell them so. You know what, I puposely where the crappiest clothes to Dillards. I want them hags to follow me around and act like I'm going to steal. I don't care-they are no one. My whole point-don't let things you can not control get in the way of what you want to do. This is the only shot you get-go for it and don't let all that shit stand in your way.