Saturday, April 28, 2007

Eclectic Thoughts

I've got a ton on my mind so let me apologize for the incoherent rambling before you read on...

I hold grudges. This is admittedly one of my worst flaws. And let me tell you, it's bad. The people who know me best may not even realize I am this way because I'm not always vocal about it. But I NEVER forget when someone has wronged me. And I'm wondering about this now because I'm realizing that holding grudges stresses me out. My life would be so much easier if I'd just forget about the time when...

Thinking about grudges brings me to forgiveness. If I continuously hold grudges do I truly ever forgive anyone? Or myself, for that matter. Honestly, very rarely. I really have to find a way to work through all of this.

I went bowling and ended up hurting my finger. A bowling injury? Who gets those? Whatever. The cool part...a couple of nights later I was at the local watering hole with some friends and I told one of them about my injury. He said, "Give me your hand." I obeyed. He rubbed my finger for 30 seconds or so (while I carried on a conversation with someone else) and asked if it was any better. Amazingly enough, the pain was gone! When I asked what he did the reply was, "I prayed for your finger to stop hurting." Ahh...the power of prayer even works in a bar. More so, I was touched. Deeply. (just for the record, I was not drunk.)

Window salesmen are shitty. They are all liars. Except for the one who shows up last and gives the best price, of course. He's great.

My Lacie dog has some funky skin disorder. I bathed her tonight in the "special" shampoo that has to marinate on her skin for 10 minutes. Keeping a 100+ pound dog in a bathtub for 10 minutes is not easy.

When I want to sit down and blog my mind is empty and I have nothing to write about. When I've got a million other things that I should be doing, I sit down at the computer and this strange power takes over me and I can just go on and on and on...

Today was supposed to be the beginning of the the little league baseball season. Opening day, the big hurrah! It rained. The fields were too wet. All games were cancelled. My point? Baseball season is already too long and here we are, on the first day, already extending the season. It's going to be a long summer.

I had to go to a baby shower today. We all know how I feel about "showers" of any type. But somehow I got recruited for the job of writing down who bought what gift. Really, I didn't mind. I would do anything for _______. Well, at least I didn't mind until the mother-in-law of the mommy-to-be decided to be super-grandma and it literally took her about 30 minutes to open super-grandma's gifts. Why didn't she just save some of that shit for after the baby was born? (I am happy to report that there were no games.)

Barack Obama disappointed me during Thursday's debates. He did a fine job of NOT answering the questions. I'm considering supporting the crazy guy from Alaska. I liked him, he had no problem whatsoever speaking his mind.

It's probably time that I stop. I need to finish wiping dog hair off of the bathroom walls before the effects of the wine set in.


Tera said...

Well Nina, there is a LOT going on in your world today! But the most pressing that I would like to comment about is the grudges/forgiveness (surprisingly).

You are right...grudges cause stress which is not only mentally and physically, but emotionally draining. It also brings out the worst in your moods thus, you are in a funk about certain things.

I have learned (the hard way) that grudges lead to bitterness, bitterness leads to unhappiness, and unhappiness ultimately affects your relationships...yes even with those people you inevitably displace your anger on!

So think long and hard about it my friend, and oh yeah, your friend is right...prayer works!!! Try praying on will then see things much clearer. Believe me.

mist1 said...

Hey, when you're done with the bathroom, can you come over here and start on mine? I had a mishap involving a box of hair dye a few weeks ago that I still haven't taken care of. The effects of the wine prohibit me from cleaning up after myself.

Nina said...


Mist1~I'm beginning to wonder if wine is friend or foe...I've still not managed to get all the hair.

fringes said...

Thank God for no games at the shower. But, yeah, how come Grandma couldn't be super-grandma in the privacy of her own home? Showboats make my butt hurt.

I read about the debates, and how maybe Obama wasn't as defined as he needed to be. Several articles I read glossed over that since the press is loving on him. But I read between the lines.

Great post.

Anonymous said...

The finger repairman, well, that was freaky. But cool.

Nina said...

Fringes~ "showboats make my butt hurt" you are too funny!
As far as the debates, isn't it funny how the media portrays it all. They're shameless.

Rhea~ Welcome and thanks for stopping by! And yes, it was freaky, but cool.

Nance said...

What fringes said.

AND--honey, all salesmen are shitty. it's their job. in order to be a salesman, "shitty" has to be in the blood.

finally, holding grudges sometimes loosens up with age. that's what happened to me. that, and a bigass life-changing experience that shifted a lot of shit. pretty soon, you start to prioritize. it'll happen. give yourself a break; sometimes the biggest grudge in the world is the one you hold tightly against yourself.

the guy from Alaska is almost over. don't hitch your wagon to THAT star.

Nina said...

Nance~I was just teasing about the Alaska loyalties remain the same.

Lisa Johnson said...

Goodness a bowling injury! I'm glad your finger's better. You are certainly one of the unique few who has had their finger prayed over in a bar! : )