Monday, April 16, 2007

Mission Accomplished

Yesterday's class was challenging, full of slow curving maneuvers and making quick stops. Then end result, I passed the class with only having 5 points deducted from my riding skills evaluation test. And let me just brag a minute here...Jason passed as well. But he also had 5 points deducted on the same portion of the test as myself. Given the fact that he's been riding for years, I feel pretty damn good knowing I did equally as well!

One down-side of yesterday's was freakin' cold, raining and the winds were bone chilling! Down-side #2...I crashed, hard! While practicing making a quick stop coming out of a curve, I failed to straighten out the handlebars and flew right off that damn motorcycle! It happened so fast I didn't even realize I'd wrecked until I was laying on the ground. However, my instructor told the class, "If you're going to crash, crash like Nina!" I went down, rolled away from the bike without hitting my head and jumped right up yelling, "I'm okay!!" as I gave the onlooking riders in my group a big smile and a thumbs up! I was even told that I did it all with grace :)

Anyway, I'm fine and have no major injuries. I've got some nice bruises from my beautiful shoulder rolls and my leg was throbbing last night after I'd rested for a while and the pain had time to set in. But all in all, I'm glad it happened. My biggest fear was falling off the bike because I just knew I'd kill myself. I'm happy to report that I survived. They say everyone crashes at some point in their motorcycle riding adventures. Hopefully, I got mine out of the way and I'm grateful it didn't involve being on an open road with traffic.

The next step is finding the motorcycle right for me. Although I did well in the class (minus the wreck) I'm smart enough to know that I need tons more practice. I won't be heading out to the city streets anytime soon. I will continue to practice in secluded areas until my confidence levels have raised dramatically. But I still want to ride Jason's Hayabusa...someday!


fringes said...

Awesome, Nina. You're learning the bike, Tera's learning to swim. I need a new adventure.

Anonymous said...

You go, Nina!!! I'm happy for you! I wish I had the guts to do it-but I'm a whip and I also don't have a small enough motorcycle!!! Todd's is a big monster and no way would I even attempt that!! Keep on riding-on side streets. You will be fine but don't go until you are confident that you won't freak!

Tera said...

Okay, am I supposed to be laughing right now??? (Sorry Nina ;-) I guess I can just picture you doing EXACTLY what you said BEFORE even reading further!!!

All jokes aside though, I am glad that you have come face to face with your fear of falling and it hasn't discouraged you from riding!!!! Loving your determination (and bravery) here!!! I am sure you will excel, and you know what...I have to share in your excitement on doing as well as Jason on the test...Ha!!! What did he say about it?

Fringes~Yes! Adventures are GREAT!

Nina said...

Fringes~I'm sure you'll find something...maybe you could learn to fly a plane! Now that would be an adventure!

Michelle~the bike I learned on was only 125cc's...thank God!!! But really, you could do it too!

Tera~It's ok...go ahead and laugh at me! I was cracking up!
Jason was a little suspicious of us getting the same score and came to the conclusion that his instructor didn't want to give anyone a perfect score. Then he admitted that MAYBE he did take that corner a little slower than he was supposed to! Bottom line...I did just as well as he did!

Induced Homomorphism said...

If you did as well as he did on the test, you should be allowed to ride his Hayabusa!

Nina said...

I.H.~I like the way you think! But I do know that I'm not quite ready...yet.

Nance said...

Ohhhh, are you gonna be SORE! But good for you! You met that challenge and conquered that fear. I know you'll be careful. I love the way you described it--how all of a sudden you realized you were lying on the ground. Just promise you'll be careful and not be obnoxious if you ride down my street!!

Nina said...

Nance~ I HURT!!!!
Don't worry, I won't be in your neighborhood anytime live too far away from me to make that commute on a bike. Too much traffic. :)

Lisa Johnson said...

You're so brave! I'm glad you're okay. People on motorcycles look so cool. I've always thought it would be fun to ride one, but I don't know if I could. I know Vespas aren't the same, but I find myself looking at them longingly whenever I see them. I might be brave enough to try one of those...

Nina said...

Anali~I'm sure you could manage just fine. If I could calm myself enough to learn anyone can!
A Vespa would be nice, especially if it came with a hot Italian man as an accessory option :)