Thursday, April 5, 2007

Still In Mourning

Given that Easter Sunday is just around the corner I've realized that I'm saturated with conflicting emotions.
First of all, Easter is usually associated with Jesus, over crowded churches, cute fuzzy bunnies, family gatherings, baskets full of candy...the list goes on and on. But for me, this year, Easter has taken on a whole new meaning. This Sunday is the return of...

Aaahhhh, Sunday night HBO. I've missed it dearly and the anticipation of the return of Tony and Carmela is building daily. See, Sunday night HBO is a tradition among my circle of friends. Especially when we're talking premiere night. This is a social event that includes planning. Food prep. Invites. I need to spend the day preparing a nice Italian dinner, picking out the wine and shining the stemware. I can't be bothered with the family dinners and jumping from house to house because you're "supposed" to visit everyone on a holiday. I refuse to allow myself to become exhausted listening to family bickering. I will not take the chance that by the time 9:00pm rolls around I'll be too tired to keep my eyes open, unable to fully engross myself in the happenings of America's favorite mob family. And for those who are not fans of the show, this is no regular premiere. This is the first episode of the series finale. The beginning of the end! Therefore, I don't dare use the DVR and chance seeing a spoiler clip on the morning news. I must experience it all as it happens, with a glass of wine and a plate of lasagna made with the marinara sauce from The Sopranos Family Cookbook. (anyone interested in the recipe let me know)

And so, as I prepare myself for the return of my favorite tv night, I realize that I'm still in mourning. As much as I love Sunday night HBO, it used to be sooo much better when Sex and the City was part of the line-up. God how I miss the foursome of Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda! Meeting at a friend's house to partake in the lives of the New York City women as they discussed men, sex, clothes and shoes. Oh, let us not forget the designer bags. All the essentials of a woman's life! But I just can't let go. I find myself, every few months or so, having a party for one as I curl up in front of the tv and watch all my favorite episodes on DVD. I crack myself up every time I see Carrie fall on the runway...

I still cry each time I watch Aiden leave for the final time. I love when Carrie looks through the shop window and sees the pair of Chrisian Louboutin heels with the pink chiffon cascade and says, "Hello Lover!" Or how about when she goes into the Vogue accessories closet and finds the Mary Jane patent leather Manolo Blahniks she believed to be an urban shoe myth!?!

I love, love, love Sex and the City. I truly believe there is a least a small piece of Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte or Miranda in every woman.

My point, and I do believe I still have one, is that when the show ended I was devastated. Sunday nights were never the same. Though I do not presume the end of the Sopranos to have such a lasting effect on my life, nonetheless, I'm sad. The end of an era is approaching fast. What else is there to look foward to? I'm going to need to find a new Sunday night tradition. Please, drop any suggestions in the comment box.

If there is anyone else out there with a favorite Sex and the City memory, do share. We can mourn together. Because it is true what they say...It's not tv. It's HBO.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the job down Memory Lane, and you are right, Sunday night will not ever be the same. I guess all good things come to an end, and that just gives us a reason to run out and buy the DVD box sets!

It is so amazing to me that Sunday night HBO has had such a tremendous impact on our circle of friends. It literally WAS a tradition that very nicely complimented our Saturday afternoons at Basils followed by shopping sprees. I certainly do not mean to dampen the mood, so on a good note, those are memories that will bond us forever.

Besides, what better memory do we have of our Italian potluck dinner for the season premier of Soprano's season 3. Good friends, good food, good wine and a good Italian mob plot....what else could a girl possibly want!!! :)

Tera said...

Although I am not really a Sex and the City fan, I would catch an occasional episode and be quite amused at how many GUT laughs it generated!!!! I think the memory will be mine forever because of the fact that you along with many other friends that I have were fans, and will continue the nostalgic conversations.

Now on another note, I have been known to (quite frequently) tune in to the Sopranos and Six Feet Under....LOVE THEM!!!

I guess that's why I don't get so involved in shows (as I am quite sad about Will and Grace coming to an end)...because as with everything else (proverbially speaking), all good things must come to an end!!!

Nina said...

Rey~the tradition lives on. there WILL be good food, good wine and good friends at my house on Sunday night...come home!!!!

Tera~I loved Six Feet Under too. I hated the way it ended. I hope the Sopranos doesn't end with cheesy fast forward into the future!

Nina said...
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mist1 said...

"Hello, Lover" is one of my favorite lines. I say it to shoes all the time. I never say it to Him. I say, "Hello, Slampiece" to Him.

Nina said...

Mist~men will never understand the relationship between a woman and her shoes. Hence Slampiece? LOL!

fringes said...

Awesome post, nina. I suddenly find myself ready to watch The Sopranos and mourning the loss of Sex. I haven't been to church except for funerals in years. My plan this Sunday is to leave the service after my niece and nephew do their thing on stage, then drive back to my house for the night. Thanks for the added excitement.

Induced Homomorphism said...

I never got into Sex and the City, but I just saw this quote online:

Middle school boy: Yo, you ever seen that show Sex and the City on HBO?

Three friends: No.

Middle school boy: I thought there'd be mad sex on it. There wasn't any! They should call that show "White Bitches Talking."

Nina said...

Fringes~I hope you will enjoy your Sunday evening as much as I will. I'm skipping church completely'll be too crowded with people attempting to redeem themselves during their once a year visit!

Induced~you crack me up! There really is lots of sex though :)

Lisa Johnson said...

I haven't had cable in years, so I see everything after it comes out on DVD. When Sex and the City started airing on tv, I realized that they were showing it out of order and I needed to see how it all really went down. I rented all the DVDs and watched them over three months.

I'm so hooked and now I see what all the fuss was about! I still watch it most nights at 11:00. I swear the more I see it, the better it gets! And I cry even more over some episodes! I'm such a sap! : )

One of my favorite scenes was when Carrie had her shoes stolen when she was lost in an alley and she yells "Someone stole my strappy sandals!" Or something like that...

But the best part is their friendships. And you see just how much friends mean in your life and can think of things with your own friends. Oh, it's making me teary eyed just typing.

Nina said...

Anali~I think you may be my new favorite person! I do agree, the friendships are what is so great. Remember this " girls are the loves of her life and any man is just lucky to come in fourth." Mr. Big, right before he goes to Paris. Awe!