Sunday, April 15, 2007


I'm on my way to day 2 of the motorcycle class. Yesterday was a blast...I didn't fall off the bike, drop the clutch (at least not while in motion) or run into any fellow motorcyclists (although I did have one close, very close, call). All in all it was a success. I've learned that my biggest obstacle is myself, go figure.

Today it will be colder and wet. Definitely not optimum riding conditions. I'm just hoping the $10 rain suit, that will most likely melt if it comes in contact with a hot pipe, will not be necessary.

So I'm off...and in the words of my husband, "HELL YEAH I RIDE BIKES!"


Tera said...

Sounds like you're doing great Nina!!! Good luck today, and make sure you keep us updated on this one!

Nina said...

tera~all is well in the land of biking!