Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Hillary Clinton Sopranos Spoof

Nance said that Hillary needs to show us that she is human and can relate to women on a "real" level. I think this campaign ad is a good & funny attempt to show the more personable side of Mrs. Clinton. Although, I sincerely hope there is no hidden message here that she has mafia connections :)
Anyone who saw the Sopranos finale should appreciate this.


Anonymous said...

why is choosing her song such a big deal? If she's president, will we be able to go to her website and vote for all of her other decisions?

Tera said...

I like it...I thought it clever the song titles that they zoomed in on as she perused the list. That's what caught my eye. Nina, I don't think you have to worry about mafia connections :)

Nance said...

the fact that the Clinton campaign chose to get a little edgy and use a Sopranos tie-in and not run away from the neo-con assertions that they have had shady dealings in the past gets a big thumbs-up from me. after all, no one does Dirty Deeds like the Bushies. I'll stack up any so-called dirt from the Clinton Era against the sludge running through the White House during the current administration any day.

sorry to get all political in your Comments, nina. you can delete this if you like. no hard feelings.

Nance said...

hey, nina--

i don't watch The Sopranos--don't get HBO--so you'll have to tell me how close this spoof was to the real episode.

i thought the carrot sticks instead of fries part was funny, but if it also happened in the Sopranos show, it loses its impact.

My big concern was, naturally, how Bill looked. I think he looks pretty good. Hillary's acting--not so great, but that's a good thing, actually.

(Bill's acting was very good. Then again, he is perfect to me.)

Nina said...

Anon.~The song selection only makes sense if you saw the Sopranos finale.

Tera~Are you sure about that? Just kidding:)

Nance~You are welcome to drop off your politcal rants any time.

The spoof is right on. I don't think it could be any closer.
The carrots were directly from the show too, except Tony ate onion rings. But I have to say, (for me) that's what made the carrots so funny.

I think Bill is wonderful too!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I thought that it was a good idea. They played on a good moment at the right time. I just don't understand why Hillary wants us to HELP her pick a song for her campaign. It's giving people false hopes that she'd run a total democracy. If she gets voted in, what, I don't think that she'll hold a news conference and ask everyone to log in to her website and vote on what we think she needs to say or do. Forget about it. Or is this supposed to be making her look like she's cool and in the know? Next thing, we'll see Clinton walking behind her with his saxophone and she'll be playing the trombone, both dressed like they're at Mardi Gras.

Nance said...

anonymous--she's/her campaign's already picked the song. and i don't think anyone in the united states is so completely ignorant of how a democracy works. what exactly is your point? if you're just bashing hillary, just do it and be done with it, for heaven's sake. how silly.

yes, the ad is supposed to make her "look cool and in the know." it's a parody of one of the hottest television shows out there. that's exactly what all advertising is supposed to do.

no, it isn't "giving people false hopes." that's just ludicrous. there's no way you believe that. nor do i think you believe that she or Bill Clinton would dress up in Mardi Gras costume. what serious Presidential candidate would? (Okay, maybe the guy from Alaska...!)

Nina said...

Nance~ Well, thank you!! There is nothing left for me to point out. Good job.

Anonymous said...

Okay, NANCE, I see where you stand. I didn't know that I was personally attacking you.

I do believe that the Clinton's are cheesy and that yes, thay are capable of doing something as ridiculous as marching down the street like a couple of jackasses to get some publicity(and supporting Mardi Gras isn't a bad thing to do, if your wanting votes from the south).

To end the stupid chapter on the song. to set the record straight, I ALREADY KNEW THAT THE SONG HAS BEEN CHOSEN!!!!!!! If that's all you had to pick on me about, so be it.

I really din't expect to have to defend myself for saying something that I felt. I say, "good for them and you", if you like they way they do business.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and you too NINA!!!

Nina said...

Wow! I'm guessing someone doesn't watch the Sopranos and totaly missed the whole point. Touchy, touchy. *sigh

Nance said...

sigh. anonymous-- you asked questions, and i answered them. you didn't personally attack me; i didn't personally attack you. nor did i "pick on you" about the song. i stated in one sentence that it had been chosen. period. i asked you to clarify your point. you finally did, which was that you think the Clintons are jackasses and that the way to garner voter support in the south is to support Mardi Gras by marching down the street in costume, playing instruments. thank you. now, let's leave the comments section open to the rest of the readers who have other things to discuss.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about!!!!???? I got the point!!!Stop already!!! I'm not coming back to this post. to carzy for me!

Nina said...

I had no idea this would become so conttroversial. What fun!

Nina said...


Tera said...

Since Anon won't be coming back *crazy...LOLOLOL!

I'm mad I missed the fight! Nance, you kick ass!

Nance said...

But I wasn't trying to! I was just trying to figure out what the heck the other commenter's point was and to try to get her/him to see that the song was already chosen. also, if someone wants to make his/her political bias known, then darnit, just put it out there! don't couch it in some baloney sandwich. get off the fence before you give yourself one helluva wedgie.

now, tera, see what you made me do? i said i was going to be done and leave it to other commenters. you drew me back in! LOL.

and something about that commenter rings very, very familiar.... I seem to remember a slight anti-Hillary bias from someone around here before. Similar sentence structure too....

Tera said...

He he...sorry Nance...I had to do it, because I missed it! And you make a very good point (as you always do)...let's not straddle the fence boys and girls!

Anonymous said...

Nance, for the last time, get over yourself. All I said was, "What's the big deal?". I didn't bash the Clinton's by saying that. I didn't ask when is the song going to be chosen. If I recall it correctly, after the clip, we were asked to go to her site to see which song had been chosen. Besides that, i thought that you only cared about how Bill Clinton looked. That's a little shallow, and for a person who makes a comment like that. What are the words that you've said to me supposed to mean? Have you ever heard this before, "There Ain't No Future in Your Frontin'"?

Anonymous said...

One more thing, I learned about propaganda from a very smart and intelligent teacher. I would think that in class she would've pointed out that the Clinton's might have been being obsequious, therefore making it hard for non-Clinton supporters to swagger their way.