Wednesday, June 6, 2007

10 in 5

Susan has a group event in progress...lose 10 pounds in 5 weeks. I'm feeling up for the challenge and I'm counting on Tera to help me out. I mean, just cause we live 5 hours apart doesn't mean we can't take work out together. Maybe we can take walks together on the phone, right Tera?!?!? O.K. that's probably not going to happen, but I am going to make an honest attempt. Hell, ten pounds in the right place may just put me back into a size____! Not going there~sorry!

I gave my word to participate on Tuesday. I actually forgot about it until today when I revisited Susan's blog. Maybe I'm having some short-term memory issues. Anyway...I've decided to start immediately by only having one beer tonight. And on Thrusday I'm going to make the attempt to eat healthy and work out hard. That way I can have a few beers when I watch the CAVS game. Shit, this is going to be harder than I thought.


Anonymous said...

I would suggest trying a rum and diet. My cousins trainer told her to never drink beer again. Oh, and don't eat a lot of sugar, because it prevents your muscles from healing after working out(well, it takes much longer for them to heal). There is a god though, and that god gave us enviga. it's good stuff. Drink a few and I guess one beer wouldn't hurt.

Tera said...

Nina, you know, I keep forgetting too (scarfing the last bit of the chocolate muffin for breakfast down)!!! We WILL and CAN do this...we have to keep the stick-to-it-ness!!!

Uh, and if you don't leave this weekend, we will just put our liquid diet into, wine, and MORE wine!

Nina said...

Anon~ I don't do rum or diet. Yuck on both. What is enviga? I don't know about that one.

Tera~I'm going to have to get a new partner. After we drink the wine.

Anonymous said...

Enviga is a carbonated green tea drink that has calorie burner in it(EGCG). The berry flavor one is good. It also has some caffeine in it. Try it, try it, so you see. and you will like it in a house.....

Susan said...

I do believe you, Tera and I are kindred spirits. The hardest part for me is how bad I want beer. I miss beer. It's only been a little over a week but man do I miiiiiiiiiiisssssssss me some beer. It's going to be hard workin' at the bar this weekend. Maybe I'll just drink beer and eat nothing. hrrrmmm.

Tera said...

Nina, don't even frapping try it!! I hope you make it out of there alive! I sense a case of delerium tremens coming on!!!

Nance said...

Good luck! I know you can do it. If you cut out beer completely, you can do 10 in 2 and a half. LOL.

Nina said...

Anon~you are so silly! I will try it if I see it somewhere.

Susan~liquid diets can be very satisfying! Let me know how that works out for you!

Nance~why do you always have to be soooo right?

Induced Homomorphism said...

Hey! How's the program going? If you need any advice, let me know. I lost over 60 pounds in the past year, and so I know what it takes.

Nina said...

IH~ Wow!! Good for you, that's awesome!!! I'll be getting in touch with you soon!