Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Happy Birthday, Spam!

With all the talk of food in the last post I thought I'd share something I learned today. Evidently, today is the birthday of Spam. It was introduced in 1891 by the Hormel Packing Company.

If you're a die-hard Spam lover, you can take a trip to the Spam Museum in Austin, Minnesota. Seriously, did anyone even know that such a place existed?

I know that it is difficult for many to admit that they indulge in the occasional Spam sandwich or fried up as a breakfast meat since we really don't even know what Spam is. But let me be the fist to say, "Hi, my name is Nina and I like Spam." But I will also say that I haven't eaten Spam in quite a while. I got kind of nervous years ago when I realized that Spam truly is a "mystery meat". But given that today is a Spam celebration day, it may just be what's for dinner.

Just a little side note: even if you do not like Spam, every household should be equipped with several cans in case of a national emergency. That stuff will last for years if you have to hide out in your bomb shelter.


Dagromm said...

I hear that it is very popular in Hawaii as well. Maybe it goes well with pineapple.

fringes said...

In a national emergency, your vodka is also nonperishable foodstuff. Much better than Spam.

Tera said...

I think I may have tried it once and didn't really care for it! I mean I was cool with the composition and all...I wasn't one of those people who went on a hot dog strike when they realized that they had worms in them...I just didn't really like the taste!

No thanks Nina...I have plenty of Potted Meat and Vienna Sausages on hand should a National Disaster occur!!! ;)

Anyways, Happy Spammiversary!

Nina said...

dagromm~let me know if you create a recipe.

Fringes~I'm with you on the vodka. But we gotta have something for the kids, right?

Tera~Potted Meat...that's one thing I've not had.

Dagromm said...

Potted meat, spam, and vienna sausages. That is a diet that will lead to some unhealthy bodily functions in the future.

Anonymous said...

So did you really have it for dinner? I'll eat just about anything....spam not one of them. I'll stick to tofu if I feel like cut off a chunk of "something" to fry. At least I know it's soy.

Nina said...

Dagromm~pretty gross, huh?

Nicole~No, we didn't have it for dinner. I decided that I better keep it for the emergency stash.

Nance said...

I like Spam; I prefer it fried. It gets a bad rap, but I think it's okay. I wouldn't have it often, but it's okay for a sandwich every now and then. I have never had a Vienna sausage and I'm afraid of what "potted meat" might even be about. The definitions of "potted" alone are scaring me.

Nina said...

Nance~Vienna Sausages are yummy with saltine crackers :)