Saturday, May 30, 2009

Some New Things, YAY!!!

A while back I promised to make myself a priority. When I made that declaration, I had no idea how difficult it would be. I mean seriously, why is it so hard to take care of yourself? Why is it so hard to take some time to do something nice for yourself? Since when did we (women) get so caught up in everyday life that we tend to forget we are actually a part of that life we strive so hard to not allow to crumble? I have a theory...motherhood.

So, obviously, I've had a difficult time since my little man arrived (nearly 14 months ago) making time for me. Because for some reason, I just wasn't as important anymore. Then I woke up. If I can't take care of me then I can't take care of my family. And so here we are. I'm trying a couple of new things and reverting to some old in order to but some balance in my life.

Priority one, get in shape. After I had Micah and things settled down a bit, I was able to focus on shedding those extra baby pounds. At first I did a pretty good job. And then something happened. Life happened; we all got sick and I of course had to be the "nurse". My exercise routine went out the window and my eating habits flew out right behind. I gained back the 15 pounds I'd worked so hard to get rid of and never really resumed my healthful ways. But I'm ready. So I've started doing Zumba. It is such a blast!!! I have never had so much fun working out. I look forward to going to the gym and some days actually wish it would last just a bit longer. Plus, it gets me out of the house. ALONE. And to top it all off, I lost 6 pounds after going just 3 times in one week. Yay!!!

Priority two, hmmm...I don't remember. Can I be honest? I've been trying to get this post up for about 3 days now. I have no idea what I was going to say which tells me that I need to re-evaluate my priorities. LOL! But I have still been making it a point to read. And I'm sorry to report (Nance) that I really don't have the time to dive into anything that is going to require tons of brain power. I have to take baby steps as my baby is running me ragged. I am thoroughly enjoying reading mindless vampire novels, for now. I have moved on to the Sookie Stackouse collection. Give me time, Nance. Give me time.


Nance said...

Congrats on focusing on the workouts and going to the gym. I'm impressed! As you know, my idea of exercise is having to get up and change the channel when Jared has lost the remote. Sigh. And hey! You don't ever have to say word one to me regarding your reading material. I just elbow you about it because I can. It's wonderful that you're enjoying having some time to yourself and using it to regain Nina as opposed to being overwhelmed by being just Mommy.

Looking forward to our lunch in a week or so. Start thinking of where we can meet up. Remember: I do not eat outdoors, and I hate to be cold. Oh, and no Playland. LOL.

Nina said...

Nance~You're so silly, looking for the remote is exercise, too much!

You should just come over, I'll make something. Or we could just have coffee...I know thats what you really want anyway! You'll enjoy Micah much more at home than you will strapped into some strange high chair :) I could even pick you up since you don't like to drive. LOL!

Mizrepresent said...

Good for you Nina! It is so important that you take sometime for you said, if you are not healthy and happy, noone else will be (lol, or something like that). But i do understand, small steps sister...lead to major results.

Nina said...

Miz~If mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy :)