Friday, May 15, 2009

Confessional Is Open

Sometimes you just have to air some things out. I can totally understand why Catholics go to confession, free therapy. Maybe I need to think about converting to Catholicism...hmmm. Yeah, probably not. Anyway...

Confession #1
I really do not give a damn that our country uses torture to extract information from brainwashed psychopaths whose only goal in life is to kill Americans. If this keeps crazies from flying planes into buildings, I'm all for it.

Confession #2
I have a twitter account. I know, I know. But I don't use it to "tweet" about myself. I recently opened the account so I could follow Dr. Sanjay Gupta (don't you love him!??!) when he was discussing the Swine Flu.

**By the way, are we over that one already, the Swine Flu? Or have I just not been keeping up with the news, again?

Confession #3
I have been reading like crazy lately. It's been Fantabulous!!!! First I read the House of Night series. Its about vampires. Now I'm reading the Twilight series, also about Vampires. I have been completely immersed in vampires that I'm dreaming about flippin' vampires. I'm even starting to wonder if they truly exist. I mean, don't most stories/legends have truth behind them? How cool would that be? Ok. Maybe not so cool. But nevertheless, I'm obsessed.

I want to get rid of my dogs. Really. At least Scooter, the big dog. I do still adore Scrappy Doo but not as much as I used to, just as I feared would happen before my sweet Micah was born. These days I see the dogs mostly as a nuisance who screw up my back yard. I just found out that our local APL is a no kill shelter so I would only feel guilty for a couple of days about dropping Scooter off. He's beautiful. He's a pure breed that some people would pay some serious money for. I don't think it would take very long for someone to snag him up.

Confession #5
Sometimes Micah and I watch a show called Hip Hop Harry. Some days, I think I like it more than he does.

That is all for now. Feel free to step into my confessional booth/comment box.


Nance said...

I cannot forgive you about #1 or #2, but I still love you. Mainly because of NUMBER 4!!! I have been saying this about dogs FOREVER.

I am trying to forget you even mentioned #3. Please read something serious. Please. Before your brain totally vegetates--please review #5.

Let's do lunch the second week of June. XXOO

Nina said...

Nance~I knew that you were going to tell my to read something more "important" but I just can't. These books are light, easy reading and I don't have to focus too much. I just have to sit back and enjoy the ride and thats about all I can handle at this point!

It's a good thing that you're not the priest;I'd be going straight to hell!!!

Susan said...

You should read the "Southern Vampire Chronicles" (basis for TrueBlood, series on HBO) The show comes off as a bit dark but the books tend to be amazing and not dark.

I confess...hrmmm....I am so sick of people acting like I'm a freak because I'm not engaged/married. I'm single, damnit, and happy.

Nina said...

Susan~Hey there! It's been awhile...yay for being single!!! And if by chance you do find yourself engaged in the future you're going to HATE hearing "when are you getting married?!?!?!"

My sister said I should read those books too. She's the one who got me started on all the others so maybe I'll give that series a shot...sorry, Nance!

Heidi said...

Hmmm...where shall I begin? Vampires. I don't know what it is, be it good vamps or bad ones, I just love them! And yes Nina, you will read the Sookie books next!

Yarn. There. I said it out loud. I have wanted to crochet since I was a teenager, when my best friends mom made me a beautiful afghan. I finally decided to teach myself this February and I can't go a week without buying yarn. Yes, I am a yarn whore!

As for HIp Hop Harry, well I told you yesterday that he's a glorified BARNEY!! I myself prefer Sesame Street or Jack's Big Music Show......

Nina said...

Heidi~Yes, I'll probably read those books, after my Harry Potter refresher. The movie will be out before we know it!
I know that that you are a yarn whore. You have more than any one person should ever have and I will not contribute to your addiction again. Instead, I will continue to add to my own collection :)

Hip Hop Harry Rocks!