Sunday, September 21, 2008

Devin's last football game was played at the high school stadium. It brought back all kinds of memories. I spent a lot of time at that stadium during my high school years. Marching Band was the absolute most fun I had in high school. Period. And being back there made me feel all warm and gushy inside. But it was so weird too...

Devin is in Jr. High. So there weren't too many people at the game. The stadium was emptier than I've ever seen it. I sat there, looking around. Remembering. Laughing silently as I hold my baby boy thinking, "Never in a million years would I have pictured myself sitting in these stands with my baby watching my big baby play on this field that I spend so much time on as a youngster." Hell, at that stage of my life (High School) I was never getting married. I most definitely wasn't going to have any children. "Oh. Hell. No! NO Kids!!" That is what I always said. And yet there I sat. With my Husband and my Son. I had goosebumps. My eyes teared up. I couldn't have felt more happy or proud. Even though my life has turned into the exact opposite of what I dreamed it would be, I am happy. And that is what matters most in life, yes?


Nance said...

I'm always amazed (and amused) at the large number of kids who tell me that they're NEVER HAVING KIDS. I just smile. "Yeah, right," I think. Some of them won't even get out of high school before the first one is conceived.

I'm glad that the winding path of your life has taken such happy turns for you. You are fortunate, and what's more, you know it. How wonderful!

Nina said...

Nance~I actually do feel very lucky to be able to appreciate the present happenings of my life.

Tera said...

Aw are getting mushier and mushier by the day! I like what this mother/wife-hood is doing to you my friend :)

Lisa Johnson said...

It's very interesting that we often end up with the opposite. I always thought I'd get married and have children. Never a doubt in my mind. Oh well...

Nina said...

Tera~eat it!

Anali~Yes, it is strange. And maybe you still will :)

Anonymous said...

I'm probably a little late for this blog, however, I do have to agree on football stadium memories. Though I wasn't in the grandstands of Ely Stadium, I still found myself in awe of the whole process from the time the stands filled up until Darrick said it was time to go.

On the part where you realized your family was a blessed part of your life,again, I wonder if somehow we switched lives. Maybe I live the life that you thought you'd have. Well, in some aspects! My life is nothing like I thought it would be, and I'm still trying to understand it. I swear I should've been married 6 years ago and should have three out of my 5 kids born......

Tera said...

Nina, YOU eat it! I don't appreciate your loyalty to some of these other blogs (I'll drop names later ;) and not mine...HMPH!

Nina said...

Tera~ LOL! I am your most loyal customer...who else shows up and takes over!?!?!