Monday, September 8, 2008

This is Federer's 5th consecutive US Open win. His 13th Grand Slam Title. And he is the only man in history to win 2 different tournaments 5 times in a row! His straight set victory over Andy Murry will hopefully quiet all the nay-sayers. Federer in NOT finished. He hit a little bump in the road and now he's back!

Now that all is right in the (tennis) world and Rodger Federer has won a grand slam, I will do my best to focus my attention on more blog worthy subjects. But first, we celebrate!


Nance said...

I'm looking forward to the next post, then. I thought maybe you were going to turn this into a fansite for Federer...LOL.

Nina said...

Nance~OOOOHHHH....good idea :)

Tera said...

Federer Schmederer...lets get back to our regularly scheduled programming soon, shall we?