Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Have You Ever...

...Went to the fridge, found the milk spoiled and put it back? This seems to be a regular occurrence at my house. And no, it's not ME! I happen to hate milk. I think it stinks regardless of it's freshness. But WHY on earth wouldn't one just throw it away? What is the point of putting it back? Does it have to do with living in a house full of males? If I'm being honest here, this happens with WAY more than milk and it really pisses me off. Is the male species truly untrainable?

...Lied to your spouse/significant other just to avoid certain topics of conversation? I have to admit that I do this occasionally to Jason. Why? I just don't want to hear "it" sometimes. Jason has this disease, chronic sloppiness with acute paper collection disorder. So I have learned over the years to not bitch at him about picking up after himself. I'll do it, no problem. And I put things where I think they need to be, in the TRASH!!! When he says "Honey, have you seen that pamphlet I got from Home Depot?" I simply say, "No, I don't even know what you're talking about. Sorry!" I used to say, "Oh, you mean the...yes, I threw it away. It sat on the counter for 2 weeks. I figured you didn't want it." And that would just cause him to get all kinds of pissed off and walk around for a couple of hours mumbling under his breath about how a "mutha fucka can't have shit around here. Nina throws everything away just cause she thinks its junk..."

...Had a blog crush? From talking who people who blog, I've decided this is quite common. I think. Especially when the blogger starts having private conversations with their readers via email. Is this just a naughty pleasure or completely unacceptable?

In the comments, be honest :)


Tera said...

This post cracks me up!!! Especially since we briefly talked about some of this stuff on the phone the other day! I guess your final paragraph will be the perfect segue to me PARTIALLY confessing to my blog crush in one of my next posts (of course not naming any names) ;-)

Tera said...

P.S. It is totally NOT unacceptable!

Nina said...

Tera~you're biased, obviously!

Celebrate Woo-Woo said...

I have put 'expired' milk (past the date, but I can't smell spoil in milk unless it's curdled) back in the fridge to avoid having to let the empty jug sit on the counter until recycle day, which is one day every other week.

I can't recall any similar scenarios to the one you described for the lying, so I don't think so. I'm not big on actual untrue statements, but I'm guilty of some lies of omission.

As for blog crushes, I guess I sort of have them, but they're all my favorite female bloggers. I think they could be take to the completely inappropriate level, but all the ones I've read about seem harmless and not at all inappropriate.

Nina said...

Woo-Woo~you're not replacing the milk just to be lazy. you actually have a purpose.

Mizrepresent said...

Look at you Nina, getting all up in the getting mad bc you disposed of his junk. I used to get mad at my SO bc of the same. Blog crushes, lol, i have had them, but they don't last, but i can truthfully tell you, i know some friends and associates who have honestly found love in the blogland and are married now. So, i don't brush it off as "something or nothing" can be real. Go figure!

Nina said...

Miz~I'm too chicken to believe in blog love (for myself, that is). I would be too paranoid to have an internet love affair, even if it was just a crush for fear that he was some psycho:) Thank goodness I'm already married!

Nance said...

lied to rick? heavens no, our marriage is perfect. ahem.
just read my blog. you KNOW better.

and...i am proud and flattered to be your blog crush. although, i would not characterize our email exchanges to be exactly "naughty."

Nina said...

Nance~How did you know that you're my blog crush? You got're so smart!!!

Nance said...

holy crap, the new pic of The Dog is cracking me up RIGHT NOW.

Nina said...

He really does love it when I dress him up. Swear.

Lisa Johnson said...

Fun post! I don't understand putting spoiled food back in the fridge at all!!

Anonymous said...

We usually leave "bad" food in the fridge until we take the garbage out.Taking the trash out is D's job. Sometimes when I think that he's slacking on the job I'll pile all the bad food on the counter and just leave it out. It really irks him. Then I lie to him. When he asks why I left the food out, I simply reply, "OH, I didn't realize I did that". Or, I tell him that he did it. Isn't that awful! usually that's how I get the garbage to go out. Oh it's pathetic. I swear.....I've completely given up on the mail pile up too.....I love it when he's says, "leave my mail over there, I'll read it tomorrow".HAHAHA

Nina said...

Anali~ Me either! Just throw it out!!!

Nic~you and D are silly! For some reason I'm not surprised at all that you can tell him he left the food out and he believes it!!! Too funny!

Belle - A Beauty livin with her Beast said...

Milk doesnt last long enough at my house to spoil....BUT..i can totally feel the not picking shit up, the house can be a disaster and the Beast will say well I would do something but I cant see where anything needs to be done...UGHH I think it is a part of their nature to piss us off.

Nina said...

Bell~I think you may be right. They are hardwired to be blind to messes.

Anonymous said...

I just got little white lied was bad!