Friday, May 23, 2008


Just need to spew a few thoughts from my head...

...I was sitting outside visiting a neighbor today and all of a sudden a car full of teenagers pulls out of the garage next door and parks in the street. My neighbor and I laugh because they are skipping school and I say jokingly that I bet they were getting high. Well not five seconds later the wind blows and a familiar smell of a certain plant waffs our way. We look over and here comes the neighbor boy looking awfully glossy eyed and Michelle says, "Hey Jake, you should be a little more discreet next time!" I add, "Yeah Jake, we can smell it over here!" He gives us the "Huh?" look and really doesn't respond. Am I surprised? No. Not really. Lots of kids experiment with weed. Hell, they probably took it from Jake's step-dad's stash. He's quite the pot head. And no, I'm not going to tell his parents. Why? Because his mother believes that her son can do no wrong and always places blame on the kids he's hanging out with. My point. I hope I don't ever become that mother. I hope that I can teach my children not to even try drugs at all. But more than anything, I hope if a neighbor or friend ever sees one of my kids doing in appropriate things, they'll tell me...

...Who ever know one could get so excited about having 3 1/2 hours of sleep with no interruptions...

...There was a news segment on the other night about how to make a little money from your blog by using Google's AdSense. I thought wow, that's cool! I'm going to go add that to my page!! But then I remembered that I've lost practically all of my readers since I quit posting frequently so there would never be anyone around to click on the ads and then I'd never make any money. So scratch that. I guess I'll have to go back to work. Someday.


Tera said...

Nina, it's funny I was thinking that exact same thing about my kids the other day! When I think about some of the things I did as a teenager, I certain HOPE I can sway them the other way!!!

I am glad you got some's been depressing around here lately, so I've been getting quite a bit myself!

You can get your readers long as you stop by their blogs, they'll know that perhaps you have something new posted!

Anything else going on? Give me a call this weekend :)

Nina said...

Tera~Are we supposed to lie and say "I never did..."

I think I may have spoke too soon on the whole rest issue. We had our first (of many more to come, I'm sure) hell night. If tonight isn't any better I may wake up bald!

Swaying my readers to come back will take time that I just don't have right now. Why couldn't they all just be loyal like you and check in on me every once in a while :)

Tera said...

Uh're supposed to say...we'll talk about it later! LOL!

Nance said...

just for the record, i check in at least twice a week on everyone. i know i don't have to with tera because she blasts me with comments all of a sudden to lure me back each time she posts(hee hee), but i do check in on you.

as far as the AdSense, unless you have a really big readership, forget it. the readers actually have to click on the ad, and until it reaches $100.00, you get nothing. i don't know about you, but i NEVER click on ads on any blogs or sites.

Anonymous said...

That's a tough call with your neighbor. I'm sure that she can already guess what her son is up to...Micah is going to be fine, and if he ever slips up, send him to Auntie Nic's, I'll scare him!

Just keep up with the blogs. I too like Nance check in often to see if you have posted. More people will join you soon.

Nina said...

Nance~Thanks for checking in!
I never click on ads either. That's why I'll see you in the fall!

Nic~Sadly, this mom would never think her baby is doing anything wrong. But that's not my problem, right?

I know you check in on me...thanks!

Lisa Johnson said...

I do click on ads to help out my fellow bloggers, but Adsense is not the way to go. I had it for a while and not many people click, but even when they do, unless you have tens of thousands of readers, the money won't be much. And I had some really random ads that I didn't like. I'm happy with the two advertising networks that I'm with now.

Belle - A Beauty livin with her Beast said...

i love how the kids act so innocent, like we havent been there and dont know what is going on....

Anonymous said...

That's the thing, no matter what you tell a kid, they think they're getting one over on you.

Nina said...

Anali~I'm glad its working out for you! In all reality, I just don't have the time right now to even think about trying to make my blog profitable!!!

Belle~I know!!! Little bastards!

Nic~that is so true!