Sunday, April 27, 2008

I love The Young and the Restless. I've watched this soap opera since I was a little girl. I can remember watching it with my mom before I was even old enough to go to school. In general, I think that soaps are cheesy and just down right stupid. But in my mind The Young and The Restless is different. I have even convinced myself that is looks different. Seriously. When I'm channel surfing and stumble across any other soap opera, I stop and ask myself why anyone would watch that show because it just looks cheap. I've decided that all soap operas, except The Young and The Restless, use some sort of special generic soap opera film. But the Y&R uses high quality filming products like the evening sitcoms use. Yep, that's what I tell myself. I don't even know if it's true in any place other than in my mind (that the Y&R looks different). But you know what they say, if you tell yourself something over and over enough times, you'll begin to believe it regardless of whether or not it's actually fact.

Anyway...I DVR The Young and The Restless everyday even though I'm at home when it comes on. But I like to be able to fast forward through the commercials and any parts that I'm just not interested in. Plus, being able to watch it on demand gives me something to do when I'm feeding the baby. Although I love to sit and gaze into his sweet little eyes as he suckles greedily at my breast, I must admit that it sometimes gets boring or I get a cramp in my neck. I just wonder if little Micah will grow up to watch my little show as well. I hope not, it's such a nasty habit, soap operas are. I sometimes find myself going through withdraw when I've not watched the happenings of Genoa City for more than a week. Then I go on a binge and stare at the television for hours upon countless hours as Jason checks on me periodically asking how I can possibly still be watching such garbage. But it's not garbage, these are my childhood friends!! I grew up with many of the characters. (Even though many went away to boarding school practically as infants and came back sometimes a soon as a year later as adults with children of their own.) I get defensive when he criticizes my choice of television enjoyment. At least I'm not watching ape-like men battle uber-snakes and crocodiles on that stupid sci-fi channel.


Tera said...

Nina I was SO a Y&R fan for many, many years! And you know what? I bet if I tune in tomorrow after not watching for several years, I will be right up to speed on what's going on!

And I resent the statement you made...Bold & the Beautiful doesn't look cheap, nor did Knots Landing...hmph!

Anonymous said...

I was a General Hospital girl back in the days of Frisco Jones! Loved it, but seem to blame it on my mom's mental issues. Be careful watching that crap It's like smoking crack, it can ruin your life!

I do have to agree on one thing, it's better than sci-fi or video games(if you don't mind me adding that). Somebody just made me drive him to the game store at midnight to get the new Grand Theft Auto. He is 34 and taking pride in video games like a 15 year old. he even got the special edition with the lock safe and duffle bag. he totally looked like a burglar walking to our door. Just be happy htat you only have to deal with snakes and crocodiles!

Nina said...

Tera~You're right, you could watch the Y&R and pick up the story lines quickly. You'd also be amazed at who is still on the show.

I used to watch Bold and the Beautiful too. Then it started looking cheap :) Plus, too many people were coming back from the dead!

Nic~It's too late for me. I'm already addicted. Luckily, soap operas don't show any physical signs of dependence.

I feel for you, I could not tolerate the video game thing. I know that lots of adults play them, but I do believe that video games should be for children. Well, games other than Grand Theft Auto. That game will send you to hell in a hand basket!

Anonymous said...


Nance said...

I haven't watched a soap since 1988, but I bet I can still name a bunch of people on the ABC soaps and they'd still be on them. I won't bore you with actually DOING THAT, but you get my point.

My brother, who is 50 (AND STRAIGHT, for the record), is a soap fiend. He is a Y&R fan from way back. Sigh. No accounting for taste...

Nina said...

Nance~I love your brother!

Nic~Lay off the video games, I think you're sick!