The patio has been laid, the $30 per bag polymeric sand (OUCH!) has been swept into the cracks, sprayed down and hardened. Finally, the masterpiece is complete! However, as a whole, my back yard looks like hillbilly heaven. Mounds of earth that were dug out need to be re spread and grass needs to be planted. We still have to create the sidewalk that Jason deems necessary for reasons unknown to me. It is, however, nice to step back and admire all my hard work in it's final state. I took this picture with my cell phone. If I had a digital camera, the photo would probably do the finished product more justice but I don't. Hmmm...sounds like I have a reason to go shopping!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I plan on secluding myself from the world in order to read Book 7 in total peace (as quickly as possible) in the attempt to not be exposed to any spoilers in the media. This morning, Jason informed me that his computer geek king of illegal Internet downloads friend reported that the first 500 pages of Deathly Hallows are floating around on the web somewhere. I'm not sure that I even believe the latter, but my husband just looked at me crazy when I told him I would not be searching for this illicit document because true Potter fans appreciate the waiting part of the official release. He really does think I'm nuts.

I had a visit with my doctor yesterday. After having me stand in awkward positions, poking and squeezing my muscles, tendons and ligaments, he concluded that my bum leg (that is STILL not working to its full capacity) is not permanently damaged. He prescribed me some pain patches and ordered me to take a short daily walk to re-build muscle strength. He doesn't believe my tango with the Hayabusa has left me with an irreversible impairment, its just a severe muscle strain. However, if I'm still in pain after a week of exercising, I'm to have x-rays just to be sure. Feeling good about the prospects of my limp eventually disappearing completely, I dropped off my prescription with plans to go home and talk a walk. However, after walking through the parking lot and all the way to the back of the store where the pharmacy is located and back, my leg was exhausted and I was in a great deal of pain. My ability to rationalize most any and every thing led me to conclude that I'd done enough walking for the day and I went home and rested. Today I'm going to try again. I think I'll try the treadmill though. Then I can sit down and rest without having to borrow the neighbor's lawn.
My back-yard neighbor gave me more flowers. They're absolutely beautiful. This time, I'm happy to report that she gave me 4 plants.

I thought that summer would provide me the time to sit back and think of something clever to blog about. Maybe share funny or heartfelt stories. Given my lack of postings lately, it's safe to say that nothing could be further from the truth. Hell, I've hardly even been reading any blogs let alone posting to mine...I plan on playing catch up...soon.
I'm sure your neighbor felt your vibe full of disappointment, and this was a sheer attempt to redeem herself!!!
Hey it's good to know that you will regain full use of your leg again soon :)
Tera~I just got back from my walk and I did alright...even with big ass Scooter pulling me along!
That is awesome! And hey I just might be home next week so I can check out that patio!!! ;)
Tera~Oh yes...do come!!!! We can sit out there eat good food and drink good wine!!!!
Sorry to hear about your leg troubles having gone on for so long. I'm with you. I don't want to read the pages until I have the book firmly in hand. I think most Potter fans really like to experience the story as it happens. The surprises are too much fun.
Dagromm~These pain patches are awesome and I'm feeling soooo good today!
The suprisies ARE what makes it all so great, because it always seems to be something you never expected. What is your take...is Snape friend or foe? ;)
Dagromm~ I just read your Potter post so I guess I know where you stand on Snape.
I just finished rereading the fifth book, and I'll have the sixth one done in time for the midnight release. My friends and I are going to one of the biggest midnight release parties and (planning on) reading the book that night.
IH~I should finish book 6 just in time too. maybe sooner, I put a pretty big dent into it today. Hope you have a good time at the midnight magic party! I'm just trying to get my hands on the book, get home and start reading. I REFUSE to dress up and do arts and crafts!!! So hopefully it all works out, for both of us!!
Those plants! Dahlias and a coleus, how lovely! And your patio stone is impressive. You've been so busy. I saw in the news that someone has actually photographed the pages of Deathly Hallows and posted them. No one really knows if they are "real" or not, but major attempts have been made to take them down. I'll never understand the thrill some morons get from spoiling books or movies for other people. What could possibly be the satisfaction? What's really in it for them? Finally--longest-winded comment ever--I'm really sorry that your leg is still painful for you. How terrible. But I'm glad that those pain patches work for you. I was prescribed those for my shoulder before and they never seemed to help me. Hopefully, with a little exercise and those patches, you'll be good as new in no time!
Nance~ Laying that patio was hard work and I'm happy to say that I laid 90% of it myself! I'm extremely happy with the results.
I'm avoiding all the supposed Deathly Hallows floating around out there like the plague!!! The wait is almost over!
I'm on day 3 of the pain patch and I feel great. Actually, I've not even put one on today because I'm feeling so good. I probably should though, I have some running around to do and I don't want to have to find a place to rest my leg in the middle of the store :)
Me cant waitto get ma hands on HP book either man..
:) and ya u have a nice blog in here!!!
the lad~welocome! and thanks for stopping by and happy reading!!!
Just finished. Obviously I won't spoil anything, but I thought it was extremely well done.
Hi Nina! I hope you're feeling better today. You must be sitting quietly somewhere enjoying the book. Have a great weekend! Oh and I love your flowers and plants. How gorgeous!
Induced~I just finished it myself. I agree with you 100%!! I'm already looking forwad to re-reading it :) And how and the hell did you finish it so quickly? Doesn't your body require sleep?
Anali~I feel sooo much better. Hardly any pain at all.
I'm loving the flowers and I'm even managing to keep them alive!
I felt somewhat cathartic after finishing it. It's as much about death and the fear we have of it as much as anything else and I found myself very at peace with everything when it was done.
Dagromm~well said.
My friend and I stayed up all night reading it. We had our copies and were back to her place by 1:00 AM and read all the way through. Well, she stopped at 4:00 AM to bake cookies, and I stopped at 4:30 AM to eat cookies, but you get the point. I still have to reread it, but I let a friend borrow it, so I'll have to wait for it to find its way back.
I'll elaborate on what I said before ('though keeping out any plot spoilers). I thought the book was extremely well-written, except for the epilogue. It makes sense (because she wrote the epilogue in 1999), but I wish she would have rewritten it. And tied up more loose ends. She promised a lot more, and I'm afraid that maybe she left a lot of it out because of the rush to publication.
IH~Yeah, I read through that list too. And a lot of things were not explained. Although, many of them were not too significant, I think. One thing that I would like to know is who was it that managed to magic late in life? I don't remember such a person. Did I miss that or did it never happen.
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