Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Back To Reality?

I've read Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. I've had several days to digest my thoughts. Thanks to Dagromm I don't need to have a discussion here regarding the book. All I will say is that is was thrilling. I am super satisfied with the ending, minus the epilogue. And now I must force myself to move on.

However, since I completed the book on Sunday night, I find myself with nothing to do. I've spent all of my free time during the last 2 months reading, reading and more reading. Although the latter has been quite relaxing and extremely self-gratifying, I am in dire need of finding a new past time. Is seems as though I've forgotten who I am and I don't even remember what I used to like to do. Tera seems to believe that I've become obsessive with all my Potter talk and I'm afraid she may be correct.

In my attempt to force my mind back into a reality without witches, wizards, invisible train platform entrances, Elder Wands or horcruxes, I've poured myself a nice glass of Merlot. Wine helps everything. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Kinda like when I was still reading the books. And when I've had too much I get sleepy, can hardly keep my eyes open. Now that I think about it, wine has the same effect on me that reading all them books did. I want more, but know it's just best to stop and get some sleep. God willing, there is always tomorrow.

Sometimes when I've had too much wine my mind wanders, easily, off into some place that is unlike any other world. My emotions flow freely, sometimes too freely. I speak my private thoughts aloud. Actually, I found myself doing that often when I was reading Harry Potter. I'd be talking, laughing or gasping, unbeknownst to me, until Jason would yell from another room to ask if someone stopped by and should he put some clothes on. (He likes to travel though the house in his birthday suit as though we don't have windows.) I did learn throughout my 2 month reading excursion that reading and wine do not mix well. Instead of my body becoming fuzzy the words on the page become fuzzy. I do not suggest combining the two, reading and drinking wine, that is.

I'm glad that I've confronted this issue. It's helped me understand that I'm not ready to move on. I just need some more time (and maybe more wine). It hasn't even been a full week since I completed the final chapter of Deathly Hallows, the end of an era. No one grieves that quickly. Hell, I studied psychology in college and this is the perfect opportunity for me to put some of those skills to use. Anyone who took Psych 101 knows that Kubler-Ross said the first stage of grief is denial. I'm defiantly in denial. I'm secretly hoping that the upcoming Dateline interview with J.K. Rowling will include an announcement for another Harry Potter installment (beyond the encyclopedia of Potter characters). So... until I'm ready to move on to the anger phase, I may just start my second read through of Book 7.

In the comments...what do you do when you can't let go.


CapCity said...

reality is so over-rated:-). lol! love the wine/reading analogy...too much of either makes me dizzy, also! Hmmm - what to do when i can't let go? lately, i'm trying to work out - see if that'll fill my voids;-) of luck 2 ya!

CapCity said...

Hi again, Nina - I thought of u when i saw this post. Is HP all that? U may wanna go over & chime in:-)

Q said...

I touch myself...

Nance said...

Sigh. I'm a firm believer in wallowing. Sadly, though, I also believe in sometimes talking it to death, but that usually involves someone else who may not want to be the sounding-board.

I gotta tell ya, I just don't get the whole HP thing. I know...I should at least read one before I even try.

Nina said...

capicity~I did go for a short walk yesterday when I was feeling the need to get out of the house. It was cut short because it started to rain and the little Scrappy dog saw a rabbit he decided to go after. He took off in a hurry jerking me off balance and it caused a sharp pain in my bum leg. I went home after only making it 4 houses down the street :(

Q~How lovely. Can I lend you some lotion?

Nance~I wish you'd read the books and then you could be my sounding board. I'm a HUGE fan of talking it to death :)

Rich Fitzgerald said...

The best way to get over one obsession is to find another one or a variety of other things to do.

You coauld also try forced interaction with others. Go out, do something with the husband or kid(s).

Just find a way to fill the void, before long, you'll be caught up in something else.

Nina said...

mega rich~ replace on obsession with another...that could be dangerous :) But I like the sound of it!

Anonymous said...

You should go and see some good art at one of the museums around you.

Nina said...

nic~funny you should say that because I was just thinking about that myself!

Tera said...

Nina, given my inability to do so on so many occasions when I've needed to...I think I will pass on the commentary about "letting go..."

Nina said...


Secrets said...

the question is...can you keep a secret...?

Susan said...

I have serious issues letting go. For some reason I always feel like I'm admitting defeat if I let go. If I absolutely have to let go of something I normally lock myself away from communication of any sort for a few months..

Nina said...

insecretsitrust~Absofuckinglutely! Spill it!

Susan~Locking myself away sounds great given the morning I've had so far!

Mizrepresent said...

OMG, i love this post...because i too can become so consumed in a book that i don't want to let go...the same thing happens when i'm writing, when "the end" comes, i don't know what to do with myself...but like you WINE is my answer, lol! That's the treasure of writing, of books, that they can take us places that we may never go, may never seek in Life's realm...THANK GOD for books, and writers!

Nina said...

Miz~I'm glad that you enjoyed the post and that I'm not the only one who gets completely lost in a book. We just must remember to limit the wine while reading :)

Ticia said...

I am always consumed with books....

I just read Chasing Destiny by Eric Jerome

Nina said...

Ticia~Oh I loved that book!! I love all of his books!

Dagromm said...

Be sure to check out the interviews. I'll forward them to you if you like. It's just a little fix to help you come down from a big Harry Potter high.

Nina said...

Dagromm~I've seen a couple. I'm sure that there are more out there...forward away!