I've read Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. I've had several days to digest my thoughts. Thanks to Dagromm I don't need to have a discussion here regarding the book. All I will say is that is was thrilling. I am super satisfied with the ending, minus the epilogue. And now I must force myself to move on.
However, since I completed the book on Sunday night, I find myself with nothing to do. I've spent all of my free time during the last 2 months reading, reading and more reading. Although the latter has been quite relaxing and extremely self-gratifying, I am in dire need of finding a new past time. Is seems as though I've forgotten who I am and I don't even remember what I used to like to do. Tera seems to believe that I've become obsessive with all my Potter talk and I'm afraid she may be correct.
In my attempt to force my mind back into a reality without witches, wizards, invisible train platform entrances, Elder Wands or horcruxes, I've poured myself a nice glass of Merlot. Wine helps everything. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Kinda like when I was still reading the books. And when I've had too much I get sleepy, can hardly keep my eyes open. Now that I think about it, wine has the same effect on me that reading all them books did. I want more, but know it's just best to stop and get some sleep. God willing, there is always tomorrow.
Sometimes when I've had too much wine my mind wanders, easily, off into some place that is unlike any other world. My emotions flow freely, sometimes too freely. I speak my private thoughts aloud. Actually, I found myself doing that often when I was reading Harry Potter. I'd be talking, laughing or gasping, unbeknownst to me, until Jason would yell from another room to ask if someone stopped by and should he put some clothes on. (He likes to travel though the house in his birthday suit as though we don't have windows.) I did learn throughout my 2 month reading excursion that reading and wine do not mix well. Instead of my body becoming fuzzy the words on the page become fuzzy. I do not suggest combining the two, reading and drinking wine, that is.
I'm glad that I've confronted this issue. It's helped me understand that I'm not ready to move on. I just need some more time (and maybe more wine). It hasn't even been a full week since I completed the final chapter of Deathly Hallows, the end of an era. No one grieves that quickly. Hell, I studied psychology in college and this is the perfect opportunity for me to put some of those skills to use. Anyone who took Psych 101 knows that Kubler-Ross said the first stage of grief is denial. I'm defiantly in denial. I'm secretly hoping that the upcoming Dateline interview with J.K. Rowling will include an announcement for another Harry Potter installment (beyond the encyclopedia of Potter characters). So... until I'm ready to move on to the anger phase, I may just start my second read through of Book 7.
In the comments...what do you do when you can't let go.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Eclectic Concepts III

The patio has been laid, the $30 per bag polymeric sand (OUCH!) has been swept into the cracks, sprayed down and hardened. Finally, the masterpiece is complete! However, as a whole, my back yard looks like hillbilly heaven. Mounds of earth that were dug out need to be re spread and grass needs to be planted. We still have to create the sidewalk that Jason deems necessary for reasons unknown to me. It is, however, nice to step back and admire all my hard work in it's final state. I took this picture with my cell phone. If I had a digital camera, the photo would probably do the finished product more justice but I don't. Hmmm...sounds like I have a reason to go shopping!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I plan on secluding myself from the world in order to read Book 7 in total peace (as quickly as possible) in the attempt to not be exposed to any spoilers in the media. This morning, Jason informed me that his computer geek king of illegal Internet downloads friend reported that the first 500 pages of Deathly Hallows are floating around on the web somewhere. I'm not sure that I even believe the latter, but my husband just looked at me crazy when I told him I would not be searching for this illicit document because true Potter fans appreciate the waiting part of the official release. He really does think I'm nuts.

I had a visit with my doctor yesterday. After having me stand in awkward positions, poking and squeezing my muscles, tendons and ligaments, he concluded that my bum leg (that is STILL not working to its full capacity) is not permanently damaged. He prescribed me some pain patches and ordered me to take a short daily walk to re-build muscle strength. He doesn't believe my tango with the Hayabusa has left me with an irreversible impairment, its just a severe muscle strain. However, if I'm still in pain after a week of exercising, I'm to have x-rays just to be sure. Feeling good about the prospects of my limp eventually disappearing completely, I dropped off my prescription with plans to go home and talk a walk. However, after walking through the parking lot and all the way to the back of the store where the pharmacy is located and back, my leg was exhausted and I was in a great deal of pain. My ability to rationalize most any and every thing led me to conclude that I'd done enough walking for the day and I went home and rested. Today I'm going to try again. I think I'll try the treadmill though. Then I can sit down and rest without having to borrow the neighbor's lawn.
My back-yard neighbor gave me more flowers. They're absolutely beautiful. This time, I'm happy to report that she gave me 4 plants.

I thought that summer would provide me the time to sit back and think of something clever to blog about. Maybe share funny or heartfelt stories. Given my lack of postings lately, it's safe to say that nothing could be further from the truth. Hell, I've hardly even been reading any blogs let alone posting to mine...I plan on playing catch up...soon.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Ode to the Hayabusa

Feeling brave, I mount the beast.
Feet planted firm, quickly my heart beats.
Ready to go, I breathe so deep,
Into first gear I'm ready to leap.
With the lift of my foot it's time to shift,
I pull up gently and quickly yell "OH SHIT!"
Into first gear, yes, I got.
Pull in the clutch...
I remembered not.
The beast stalled out and jerked to the side.
600 pounds quickly falling on my behind.
I see myself moving swiftly towards the ground,
Never before has my heart so hardly pound.
To my rescue he came, pushing me up as I fall,
My right leg bearing the weight of it all.
Slowly we dance with the beast in limbo,
Grunting and pushing...up, up, up she goes.
Finally I'm steady, yet shaking all over.
I dismount the bike and thank Jay for his shoulder.
I think I am fine until I must move.
I attempt that first step, call it anything but smooth.
I scream out in pain as I fall to the ground,
For about one week now, I hobble around.
The Hayabusa got the best of me.
I had to scoot around on my butt unable to put pressure on my leg or knee.
About a day later I was able to crawl.
Within 2 days I could walk while leaning on the wall.
Now I'm better, walking upright,
Just a small limp reminds me of my plight.
No time soon shall I try again,
To tame the beast for which my leg must now mend.
My desire to ride has not yet gone.
But rest assured, the Hayabusa, I will not be on.
My next attempt will surely be
On a motorcycle better suited for me.
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