Wednesday, August 19, 2009

And So It Goes...

At what point in life did you start to feel you're running out of time? Or have you not yet reached that point yet? I'm 31 and all of a sudden I feel as though I'm not going to get it all done. Things are starting to feel impossible. Starting to feel like I've got to do some rearranging. Is this just a phase because the end of my child bearing years are quickly approaching or maybe just because life in general has been so unpredictable the last 6 months or so? I'm not sure. But I don't like these feelings of uncertainty and maybe just putting them "out there" will help to dissolve some of the anxiety.


Nance said...

Oh, sometimes it happens every day! I have to remind myself of what I HAVE accomplished. I have to take a look at what it is, really, that I do want, and remind myself that, if it's important enough to me, I am the only one who can decide to make it happen. I've always been pretty realistic, and I've always tried to make sure my goals were within the realm of possibility. But I know how you feel: lately things aren't going according to The Master Plan, and I'm not used to that. It's hard.

Nina said...

its beyond hard. humph.

Heidi said...

I feel this way too..all the time. Thats why I buy yarn! Hehehe oh and beads and charms...I'm seeing a connection here. I hate anxiety. It's a bitch.

Nina said...

Heidi~I suppose I like to buy and cell phones these days!