Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm Back!!!

Well, well, well. I have returned. I know. I know. It's about time. We had some serious technical issues, all of which have still not been resolved, but at least I'm back online. Ooohhh...that sounded nice, let me say it again. I'm back online. HURRAY!!!! I gotta tell ya, not being able to get on the Internet whenever I want to has truly made me realize how dependent I am on my computer. I really had no idea how often I used my computer. It may be time for me to begin therapy in order to restructure my life so that I will be better prepared for the next inevitable computer crash. Seriously. about a feel good story to punctuate my return...

This post is being typed on my brand spankin' new laptop! It's quite nice and I love being mobile. However, I am worried that being able to take the Internet from room to room may enhance my Internet co-dependency issues. I shall deal with that later :) So, the new computer, aahhh, yes. This is how it came about...

Our PC crashed. It just quit functioning. Jason took it to his computer programmer friend who basically told us we're screwed after weeks and weeks of him trying to undo whatever invaded the machine. Then he informed us that our best bet would be to TRY and restore the entire system to factory settings. We're still waiting to hear if that is going to work or not. In the meantime, I'm whining about not having a computer daily. Finally I tell Jason we need to go out and purchase a new one, NOW, because the stress of being disconnected was beginning to weigh heavily on my life. And literally, as we were walking out the door to go to Best Buy determined to get something, the phone rang. The caller gave his greetings and asked if we got our computer fixed yet. When I said no he said, "Well, I bought you guys a computer. No questions asked!" I was speechless, holding back tears. I assured him that we could pay him for it and he said absolutely not. He told me that so many people have done things to help him out and it is nice for him to, in turn, be able to help someone else. The only stipulation...we are not allowed to tell anyone in the family what he has done for us because it would cause far too much drama. And who needs/wants that!?!? So what could we say other than thanks!? It is nice to know that there are still good people in the world, really. And its feels good to have been involved in this random act of kindness. And you know what else, he said if we get our computer back and decide we don't want or need that laptop to just give it to someone who can use it, to just pay it forward. Now isn't that a nice story? I'm really excited to be able to share it with everyone.

And with that, I'M BACK! So Nance, you can take me off the hiatus list!!!


Heidi said...

Well...well...well! It's about friggin time! You know, they have pills for that erm...addiction you have! I know that it's hard for something so simple as a computer to be taken away from you, but even harder when it isn't your fault that it broke!

I am so happy to see that there are still good, decent people in this world. You have a great friend there that would do that for you and not want anything in return. It really warms my lil heart.

Now get to typing woman! You have alot of catching up to do and I'm sure you have Micah stories to share! I can't wait to see what you have to blog about next!

Nance said...

Holy crap, what a nice guy! And as far as getting invaded--I hear you. Lately, we've been getting Trojans and Hijack whatevers like crazy, and we have antivirus software AND a firewall, both of which we keep updated religiously! It's awful. I wonder if it isn't the ISP (YES TIME WARNER ROADRUNNER I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU) failing to do its due diligence on their end.

The Hiatus/Temp list is no punishment! Just letting people know you're not completely active at present, but still worth reading!

Nina said...

Heidi~So what kind of pills are you offering me, since you seem to know so much about them. LOL!
And good, your hear should be warmed, mine gets a gooey everytime I think about it!

Nance~Maybe it is the ISP. We never had any major issues before we switched to roadrunner! Because we also have tons of protection...I wonder!

Unknown said...

Welcome back and thanks for your comments over my way. Sounds as though you have stories galore, and I've got a fresh pot of coffee on:>)

Lisa Johnson said...

Welcome back!! That guy is awesome! I love to hear stories like that. : )

Nina said...

Distracted~You're welcome and thanks for stopping by! I do indeed have lots to say!

Anali~I still feel all gushy inside everytime I think about it!