Sunday, July 27, 2008

Friday, July 25 Part II

The visit went OK. Aunt Sue is very sick. She has cancer all over her body. She wouldn't disclose exactly what kind or even where it started. I'm not even sure that the source is known. My Mother went to visit her today. She'd been taken to the hospital but that is all the nursing home staff were able to tell her. It doesn't look good.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your Aunt Sue... I just lost my uncle to cancer...

I'll light a candle for you and her...

Nance said...

You're doing the right thing, as you know, by putting all the unpleasantness aside and taking Micah to see your Aunt. It will be meaningful to her, I'm sure. And seeing that cute little boy will be a bright spot for her.

Nina said...

Liam~thank you. and thanks for stopping by! come back again, its usually more upbeat around here :)

Nance~I wish I could say that Micah brings a bright spot for her. But the truth...even as death knocks on her door, she's as bitchy as ever and didn't even acknowledge Micah until about 45 minutes into the visit and I said "Look, this is your Great Nephew..." Nice, huh?

Anonymous said...

People sometimes! I know you worry about her and you probably feel bad that she's so whatever, but don't let her get to you. She put herself in the position she is in with the family, what happened the other day just reminds you of how and why it's that way......

Tera said...

Nina I am sorry to hear advice is that the past is just that...the past. She doesn't have much longer, so all of you should do the best you can to make them happy moments for her.

Nina said...

Tera~I know. I've been back to visit and I'm most likely to go again.