I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
Hopefully the food will be good and the family will be pleasant company.
Hopefully you'll eat to your heart's content and didn't watch the Today Show and learn how much so little food can add up to (caloric wise). That way you may not be disgusted by the memories of what you ate during previous Thanksgiving meals and you won't need to consider boycotting dinner altogether this year.
Hopefully you'll take some time to reflect on this past year and give thanks to all things good.
Hopefully you'll get everything you're looking for if you're one of those insane idiots who decides to go shopping on Friday. (I was one of those idiots last year, standing outside in the cold waiting for Best Buy to open at 4am. I was far too lucky, I got everything I wanted in record time. So I won't be doing it again this year. I know how to quit while I'm ahead.)
Hopefully we can all take a moment this Thanksgiving and give thanks for the everyday things in life that we may take for granted.
And finally, just for fun...

In the comments...what are your holiday plans? Are you hosting dinner? Does your family have any strange traditions? Will you be traveling? Do you plan to go shopping on Black Friday?