Here is the major announcement that I promised a while ago...I'm having a baby!!! This is the ultrasound picture at 7.5 weeks (today I'm just a bit over 8 weeks). I know it seems to be not much more than a blob right now, but if you look closely you can see the outline of a tiny body. Amazing!!!
So, this is why I haven't been writing and hardly commenting on other blogs. Because honestly, I've been a wreck!!! My emotions are going berserk and only seem to be getting worse. I cry often and about nothing. And sometimes about everything.Furthermore, I've never been so tired in my entire life. All I want to do is sleep. When I wake up, I think about when I'm going to be able to sleep some more. It's pathetic, really. Oh...the nausea. I haven't actually thrown up at all. But I've been blessed with this looming feeling of having to vomit all the time. Why they call it morning sickness is beyond me because I have this feeling morning, noon and night. The moment I think I'm feeling alright I get woozy all over again. So I'm trying not to think about it at all, not that it helps any.
Hopefully my friends who have already experienced pregnancy are right when they tell me that these feelings should pass soon. I'm really looking forward to not being so weepy and tired. But until then, forgive me for abandoning everyone. I'll be back as soon as I'm feeling a bit better!
FINALLY your ass posted the announcement!!! You know how hard it is for my big ass mouth to keep shit, and I got so damned tired of re-reading my comments to make sure I didn't spill the beans!!! Yay for Nina and Jay!!!
And yes my friend, these feelings shall pass, and other than swollen ankles, a notorious appetite, and not being able to see or tie your shoes in the 3rd trimester, pregnancy is bliss! ;-)
Oh darn...did I forget to mention labor and delivery??? Well that's okay, we'll save that part for later :-)
Tera, I'm so proud of you for keeping it quiet!! Good job, girl!!
And hey, thanks for the warnings :)
I get so excited!!!!!!!It's a big step in life, and I know that you are ready for it!!!!!Wow, I can't wait for the bundle to arrive!
Oh my goodness!!! Congrats my dearie!!
Nic~save your money...you're going to need to make a trip home in April!!!!!
Susan~Thank you!!!
I'll be there! Believe me, I couldn't miss it!
nina--how very exciting! congratulations and oh my gosh, i wondered and wondered if that was your news! get lots of rest and take good care of yourself and ignore everyone's horror stories. i'm not sure why everyone thinks they are being helpful when they "over-share," but some people can't help themselves.
just find a doctor you trust and listen to that person and your own body.
how very wonderful!
Nic~ I know you'll be here :)
Nance~Thank you soooo much!!
You give good advice too, I'll have to remind people not over-share, I'm freaked out enough with out listining to all the crazy possibilities!!
how fabulous! take good care of yourself and be good to yourself. The baby needs a happy, healthy mommy.
Eslocura~Will do!!
Congratulations!! That is an exciting announcement!
I'm almost 11.5 weeks and still pass out regularly, but I have been here before, and I know it will get better...just can't remember when;>
Congratulations. May you be the best mom your baby could ever have. May you never have to watch a single episode of Barney. May all the Dora and Diego toys be in stock every Christmas. May your baby never tire of your kisses and hugs. Your life just got that more awesome.
I don't know anything about pregnancy (that falls under the category of "I'm gay and will never have to deal with that, so yay!"), but I'm sure things will get better soon if everyone says they will. Once your body gets accustomed to having to care for another, you'll be feeling a lot better (and be able to enjoy those crazy cravings).
Woo-Woo~you're passing out? oh my!! I hope I don't have to go through there.
Fringes~thank you! and I too hope that I don't have to watch Barney!
I.H.~no cravings yet! and just because you're gay doesn't mean you'll never want to be a dad!!! You may just find yourself looking for a woman one day to give birth to your children and then you'll get to go through all this stuff too :)
That is the cutest salamander that I have ever seen.
mist1~thanks, silly lady!
Wow! Congratulations Nina! That's huge! I hope you are feeling better soon! ; )
Anali~Thank you so much! The last couple of days have been pretty rough but it has to get better, right!?!?
You were there for both of mine, I can promise you that the best is truly yet to come. Enjoy all the tears, think of it as the baby reminding you that they are living inside of you. Embrace each day, it will really go by quickly, and finally, I don't have to overshare with you, because as previously stated, you were there for mine! Just get lots and lots of drugs.
Love, Halley
Halley~thanks for reminding me of your screams of pain as I winced outside of the door! Yep, lots of drugs!!!
All these pregger people makes me want to have another one even more.....Congrats on the news and yes the feelings of being sick will soon pass.
Halley, you're still alive? Babyland has kept you busy!!!!Nice to see you around again!
Belle~go for it!!! we can all be pregnant together :)
Give us an update! I know you're probably a bit broken, but it's nice to hear from you at least twice a month to make sure you're okay.
soon my dears, real soon!
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