My favorite home remedy for a cold is the hot tottie. However, I'm completely convinced that it only works if someone else makes it for you. For those of you out there who have never had a hot tottie, be warned, they are disgusting. It's best to try and drink it as quickly as possible.
For anyone who has dogs, lavender oil is great for keeping fleas off of your pooch. It also will make them smell quite yummy.
My favorite zit remedy is lemon juice. Either rub a piece of fresh cut lemon onto the unsightly culprit or dab some lemon juice concentrate on a cotton ball and apply it that way several times a day. This works much faster than store bought goos that you can only wear at night because they leave a nasty residue on your skin.
Jason isn't feeling well. My neighbor told me that he should rub Vic's on the bottom of his feet, put socks on and go about his business. I thought this to be strange, I've never heard of this one. But I've passed on the information and he says he may try it before he goes to work tonight. I'll keep you posted.
In comments...what are your favorite home remedies? Or maybe you've just heard of some wacky ones that you'd like to share, whichever.
Actually, I've heard of the Vic's thing! And hear it works!
My grandma always thought salve was a cure-all!!! I also remember baking soda for indigestion! The only things in the medicine cabinet were alcohol, peroxide, and of course Vaseline! Somehow, I also remember this little red shit called Mentolatum/Methiolade?
Now days, I feel the slightest itch of my throat, headache, or cough I immediate rush to life time supply of Halls Defense I have (with Zinc and Echinacea of course!)...let's just (knock on wood and) say I haven't had the flu since 1997!!!
baking soda for indigestion...never heard of that either. I hope you're supposed to disolve it in something. yuck.
I tend to think honey in anything makes you feel well. I'm a little tired now so I'll be back when things are clearer.
you know that Greek wedding movie where the dad thinks windex cures all (I think it was windex) well at my house rubbing alcohol was the thing, my dad used it on everything, damn that stuff stings on scrapes and cuts.
Susan~ I have an itchy throat and I'm going to have some tea with honey. We're on the same page here :)
Eslocura~I was cracking myself up about the windex thing in that movie as I was thinking about this post...too funny that you mention it!!! Yea, alcohol really burns!!!
A few that I have heard: For ants put a little pile of cornmeal around the area where you see the ants. They eat the cornmeal, and can't digest it so they die. It has the added benefit of not harming pets. I don't know if this one works since I just put it out yesterday but we shall see.
As soon as I feel ANY hint of a cold coming on I start pounding OJ,niquil, and sleeping as much as possible. Usually works for me.
Swelling: Pineapple! I read this the day before going to get all four wisdom teeth pulled several months ago. I ate plenty of it, crushed,juice, sherbet, the day before and day of the surgery. I had ZERO swelling and felt like I could have eaten solid food that night.
Probably the wierdest one I have heard, used, and now swear by is a cure for sneezing. I HATE to sneeze like you wouldn't believe. I am one of those people that will try to hold it in. Someone told me to say 'bananna' when you feel a sneeze coming. I thought they were NUTS or just screwing with me, but I will be damned if it doesn't work 90% of the time.
Well let's see....Tobacco on a bee sting. I once saw my Grandma run at me with an old cigarette that's she saved from my Grandfather's stash of things after he passed on. You wouldn't believe it, but it took the sting right out of that bite.
Hmm..Also, if you grow plants outside, and something has found it to be quite tasty(that isn't human)boil some water with a few garlic cloves. Find the old spray bottle that you used to teach your pets to stay off of the furniture with, and do the same to the bugs on your tomatoes.
If you live in the south, or another part of the world that has cockroaches, palmetto bugs, night bugs, what have ya, cucumber and garlic should help a little. I keep garlic in my flatware drawer, cause you know that I'm not trying to wash every spoon before I stir my coffee in the morning.
Just some quick ones:
a)cucumber on tired eyes
b)peppermint for upset stomach
c)cheese for sleep aide
d)chocolate milk for a hangover
e)baking soda and egg mixed in with your shampoo will add shine to your hair.
I know that I'm forgetting tons of things, but the last one that I'll leave you with, is that one thing that you can do to take care of that grumpy couch potato that sometimes seems impossible, feed it ANYTHING!!!!
I hope that Jason feels better soon! I heard that the pollen count is high again. Maybe all he needs is a little rain?
Nic~you sure are full of good tips! Thanks :)
We absolutely do not need any more rain. It has been raining non-stop for the past several days and the end is not near, yuck!
BD~I'm going to try the cornmeal thing. I just found a colony of ants the other day. I'll be sure to try out your sneezing cure too.
Ok. I'm back, armed with coffee and fully awake. Here's my recommendations:
Slugs in your garden: Put out a bowl of beer. It'll be clear in about a week.
For strong nails & and soft cuticles: soak nails in a mix of room temp extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice.
To relieve a cough: mix honey & a little bit of finely chopped thyme and take it orally..it soothes inflammed lungs.
That's all for now but they all work.
Susan- Thank you for the EVOO and lemon trick.
Nina- Will you please send some of that rain down here????PLEEEEASE!!!!
tera--the "red stuff" was probably either mercurochrome or iodine. We always used mercurochrome because it didn't sting, but the red stain got everywhere.
My mom always advocates putting a cut raw onion on a sting or painful bug bite. The heat of the bite cooks the onion and draws out the infection/sting. It works, but it makes everyone hungry.
Nina, you've never heard of the soda thing??? Good Lord girl...I don't know what my life would be like without it!!! Yes, you're supposed to mix it with water, but I take it hard and raw...it works much faster that way!!!
I use salt water for a sore throat, gargle that a few times a day and it helps take out the soreness.
I kill ants with dish detergent with a little water in a spray bottle, kills them on contact. And if you pour the detergent straight to their source of entry they wont cross it. Bay leaves work as well.
We always put toothpast on bee stings, or bites, takes the itch out. You can also put a penny on it right after the sting occurs and it will bring the sting out.
One for you pet owners, if you dog isnt "feeling" up to par, or is throwing up, you can mix a raw egg with 1/2 cup sugar and some milk, throw in some bread and let them eat it. This will settle their stomach, just add more eggs the larger the dog.
Nance~the thought of hot skin cooking an onion makes my tummy flop.
Susan~I almost wish I had a slug problem so I could try out the beer remedy.
Belle~First of all, thamks for stopping by!!! I use the salt water for a sore throat sometimes as well. I think that I'll try all of the ant killing methods, one of them is bound to make them bastards die! I sometimes use toothpaste to clean jewelry. It works great but it has to be regular paste, no gels or anything.
For a cold, nothing is better than some hot tea with a whole lemon squeezed in it and lots of honey!
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