Monday, March 29, 2010

Seems Like Only Yesterday...

My baby is not a baby anymore. In less than one week he will be 2. Where does the time go? The other day I looked at him and noticed that his legs are longer than they seemed to be only a week ago. Is that even possible? Of course I know he did not grow significantly overnight, but seriously, am I really so unobservant that I don't even realizing my child is growing? I didn't think I was. But it makes me sad to think about nonetheless.

He's talking more and more everyday. I'm sure every mother of a toddler says that, I know. But he says things like, "Turn that music off, mom" while riding in the car or "I want to go to Grandma's house." He tells me daily, "I wanna go downstairs and rock on the the drums!" (Not real drums, thank GOODNESS, just the ones for the video game Rock Band). I mean really, those are rather large sentences for such a little guy. The other day while on the phone with my sister Micah said, "That's amazing!" Really? Amazing? I, personally, am impressed. And yes, I know I'm biased. But just a few months ago his vocabulary was quite limited and today there is not too much he can not say. Very rarely does he have a problem expressing his thoughts for lack of vocabulary. Once again it makes me ask, where has the time gone?

Of course I'm excited to watch my child grow and learn. There really does seem to be something new everyday. I'm just glad that I've always taken too many pictures, because I don't remember the day of his birth as clearly as I did this time last year. And that too makes me sad. Will I remember it vividly at all 20 years from now? I hope so. But just to be safe, "Say CHEESE!"


Lisa Johnson said...

Happy Birthday to your son! Those pictures are priceless. They'll mean the world to you later, but also to him and to all those people who will care about him in the future.

Nance said...

You're a Better Mom than I am. I stopped taking pictures way too soon. I am just not a Camera Person. I rely on my memory--which sucks--but luckily, I have sisters who are picture takers. Micah is way past adorable, btw.

AND I HEARD YOU MET JARED! (Are you over it yet!?)

Nina said...

Anali~That is my thinking exactly! I want to have them for myself and have them to pass on for him to show his own children later in life.

Nance~I really do make an effort with all the pictures because I KNOW I won't remember!

And Jared...oh how I could see YOU in HIM!! Love it! And he was quite nice, but I know that was all just a show, for the first time meeting and all, LOL! Please, let him know, I am so NOT over it :)

Nina said...
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Tera said...

Happy b-day little Micah Man!!! :-) Nina, it's been 13 years, and I remember the day I had Will just like it was yesterday...I don't think you will EVER forget :-) That little handsome man will have your brain etched with wonderful memories for many years to come!

And uh...are you really that surprised about his vocab? In school you were quite the NERD...I'm sure it rubbed off ;-)

Nina said...

Tera, you're not really calling ME a nerd are you? You sat in the "H", not me! LOL!

Heidi said...

Um Nina....U were a nerd! Naw you were very gifted, and I see that so much in my lil Micah Man already! There isn't a day that goes by that you don't tell me something he's said or done, and I tell you "Micah is just too much!" So, Rock On lil dude and keep impressing us all!

Nina said...

Heidi~He is pretty special, huh?

Tera said...

LOL! Oh the H was just a location for graduation. And yes, he's VERY special...Nina the Nerd :-)~