Thursday, March 29, 2007

Ahhh...a good day!

Today I woke up, before my alarm began buzzing about, feeling refreshed, not dreading the thought of getting out of bed wishing for 15 more minutes. The coffee was perfectly brewed (I love coffee but I'm not the best at measuring it out) and the sun was shining. I was ready for work early enough to have some extra time to actually WATCH the news (usually I have to turn up the tv to an ungodly level and listen as I rush around) AND do a load of laundry.

I was a little apprehensive about my work assignment today. I had to face Freshman...all day. But what a lovely surprise I received. The little kiddies did not turn out to be the typical immature bunch 9th graders are often colored to be, they were well behaved respectful students! Of course there were a couple rotten apples in the bunch but of the approximately 80 or so students I had today only 2 or 3 acted like nuts. Furthermore, the video the teacher left for me to show was actually interesting AND entertaining. Amazing!

During my lunch break I decided to venture to the BMV to get plates for the new car. I figured I had a better chance of not waiting so long if I could make it before the after-work rush. I was in and out of there in under 5 minutes and the lady that waited on me was genuinely nice!!! I always thought that a bad attitude was a prerequisite for the job since usually the workers are unfriendly and rude.

I came home from work and several things were out of place. I HATE a mess. So I thought, I'm going to do what the magazines suggest and give the "speed-clean your house" a try. Again, I'm amazed. I managed to whip my house into shape in under the 15 minute allotted time slot. I always laugh at those articles and wonder if the people who write this stuff had an experienced cleaning service, team of 10, come in to do all the work. Apparently, the impossible is sometimes possible.

In the process of letting the dogs out for their afternoon potty break, little Scrappy Doo managed to sneak out. Again. But he came right home! He made no attempts at the ankles of any kids walking home from school nor did he steal any dog toys from adjacent yards. He did tease Toby dog next door. But two out of three ain't bad! Good boy, Scrappy!

To top it all off, I asked the kid, "How was school today?" He replied with a big grin and told me, "Good! It was really good!" The conversation continued with a recap of the day's events. Usually I get nothing more than a shoulder shrug or an "It was...ummm... OK. I guess." Nine times out of 10 he tells me that he didn't even learn anything new. Man this is getting weird!

I'm starting to wonder if there is going to be some type of natural disaster or something this evening. No, I'm not going to dwell on the "what ifs". Not today. I think I'll go curl up on the couch, watch Happy Feet and maybe enjoy a nice glass of vino! I'd better go to bed early before anything can ruin this lovely day.


Anonymous said...

Good for you Nina!!! You know, good days DO exist in this world of chaos we live in :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that nothing screwed your day up! it's good to that you wrote about it. It gives us all hope, and gives you proof that it happened!

Anonymous said...

You go, girl!!! I was actually shocked this morning for getting out of the house - not just 5 min earlier than usual but with little bickering and NO clothing or shoe issues!!! Let's see how the day progresses!!!

Nina said...

Tera~ Yes, they do. Just not often enough.

Nicole~ We've got some good days ahead...can't wait for you to get here!

Michelle~What?!?! No wardrobe issues with all them girls! WOW!

fringes said...

Hey, thanks for visiting me today and for jumping right in with your own story. Too cool.

Yay for lovely days, eh? Here is to more of 'em coming.

Nina said...

Fringes~ I found you through Nance and I'll definately make a return visit to your page! And thank-you to you!

Nance said...

One of the cool things about blogging is that now you have a record of this magnificent day, and you can revisit it anytime you want/need to. Hope you have many, many more! Kind of like an Unbirthday.

Anonymous said...

I can't seem to get there fast enough. I'm dying over here!!!

Lisa Johnson said...

I love it when days go like this!! I'm glad you had one and I hope you get another really soon! ; )

And Happy April! We made it through March!! Yippeeee!

Nina said...

Anali~ Yes, happy April and Happy spring!!! Too bad we're supposed to get snow later this week in OH. Yuck!!!

Nina said...

v-grrrl~ Everything you write is so poetic, I love it! Thank you!