Of course, now that we own the camera, Jason tells me that it's not that nice. But really, he just doesn't know how to use it and therefore is not appreciative of all its fabulous features. I, on the other hand, am quite pleased with my camera and have been taking lots of pics. I'll share a few with you...mostly of how I torment poor little Scrappy Doo. As I've mentioned before, the Little Dog doesn't like to have his photo taken, he's not nearly as vain as the other mammals living in the house, and therefore he usually runs away and hides when he sees the camera or goes into attack mode and barks and lunges towards the lens. Like this...
But I must say that my favorite is this...Scrappy in his new fisherman's outfit!
And finally, since it is the holiday season, I'll share with you a picture of my beloved Christmas Tree...
Gosh...it sure does look lopsided...I wonder if it really is. Or maybe I took the picture on a weird angle. Who knows?!?! But I can tell you that this the only Christmas decor up in my house at the moment. It took me 3 hours to do the tree, because everything must be just so. And damn it, the more I look at this picture the more I realize that it's doing my work of art ANY justice. I wish I could invite you all over to admire it's beauty. *Sigh* Anyway, I've been exhausted ever since. I can't even bring myself to hang the stockings. Pregnancy is kicking my ass!!!